Status Update (Red): It's Complicated

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Chapter 7

I end up dining with Cam and his sister Myra at one of the restaurant nearby. I really enjoyed their company I didn’t notice that phone has 26 missed calls from Mac. I just ignored it; anyway I’m going home now. I am about to say goodbye when Cam offered to walk me for home. “Ahm yeah sure.” “Great, shall we go?” and we turn to Myra who is by that time fixing her bag which is also ready to leave. “Ahhm I would have to leave you two. Bye.”

I can now see the mansion from where we are walking. Cam is just silently listening to me chatting about school and work. He doesn’t talk much and it really feels different when I am with him not the same feeling when I am with Mac, will maybe because he is just a new acquaintance. He only shares a few.

We are at the gate, I offered Cam to get inside but he refused we said our goodbyes and promised to call me when he gets home.

When I opened the door I was expecting Spencer but know it was Uncle Andrew and Mac worried face but Mac looks grumpy and irritated. What happened with these guys it is still 9:40 pm it’s as if I’m going to be abducted again which is probably not possible. Those guys probably are doing other plan than taking me again.

“Hi Uncle, I’m sorry I should have called that I’m going to be late.” I started apologetically. Uncle smiled and said, “Where have you been? Did you eat already? ” “Yes I did with Cam & Myra.””And who are they?”Uncle asks curiously. “They’re my friends.” I can see Mac’s smirks from the corner of my eye. “Huh, just when? I never knew you had one.” I expected it from Uncle but it was Mac who sarcastically answered me. I just ignored him and turn to Uncle and answer him even though it was Mac. “I’ve just met them today, they seems nice though. As a matter of fact they invited me tomorrow to play Frisbee with them.” I told Uncle. “That’s good Fefe more friends means more experiences, just be careful okay?” By hearing it Mac leaves immediately. “I will Uncle, good night.” “Goodnight Fefe and….” I kissed Uncle goodbye and I was about to go to my room when he added. “….I want to meet Cam.” I smiled, run to my room and I shouted him back “No probs Uncle…you will meet him soon.”

In my room I was thinking of going at the roof top but I’m still shy about what happened between us with Mac or even  talk about it, I know it’s as if we actually kissed but I really don’t like confrontation that puts me in an awkward situation. And I think he’s kind of upset about me getting late and those 26 missed calls and I don’t even know why I haven’t heard my phone rings. I heard a couple knocks on my door. I came to the door twist the knob and open it. It is Mac, I just didn’t say anything. “Can you come up at the roof top? I need to talk to you.” He said calmly and walks heading the way to the roof top. I just followed him. “What is it?” I said when we reached it. I was behind so I won’t be able to see his face which is good. “Don’t hang out with that guy again.” He said in still calm tone. I am surprised of what he said “Why should I not?” Because, I said so.” I laugh from his lame remark. What makes this guy think that he has the right to tell me this? He faced me and step a little closer. I faced him too, look at him in the eye and fold my arms, it seems I forgot of what happened the other day and said. “Give me a valid reason not to and perhaps, I reconsider of what you said earlier.” Him seems choked of what I said, toke him a while to respond. “I don’t like him. I have a hunch his unto something.” I smirk at him. “Come on Mac how could you be so judge mental? You haven’t met the man yet or seen him at least. Don’t you think it’s a little bit unfair?” I defended Cam, poor guy. “I already saw him.” He answers and looks away. “Huh? You did? Just when?, I curiously ask him. “It doesn’t matter, just stay away of that guy.” Just that it, he told me to stay away from him and leave. “What is wrong with him suddenly?”

Two in the afternoon I’m here in the Park with Cam, Myra and with their other Myra’s girl friends, Tina & Lola. Of course I went out again with Cam and why would I listen to Mac? We’re enjoying Frisbee, Cam swayed the blue thing in the air for me to catch and it’s going in to my direction and I am so ready to jump and catch it when someone catches it for me. “Oooppps.” I turn to see who catches it. “Would you mind if I join in?” Mac looks at me and then to Cam holding the disc. “What are you doing here Mac?” I ask. “Do you know him?” Cam asks me. “Ah yeah Cam, girls this is Mac my ahhhmm cousin.” I answered Cam. Cam handed his hand over to Mac to shake and says “Oh, hi I’m Cam.” His waiting Mac to accept his hand. “Let’s play.” Mac ignored Cam’s hands and walk over to the field. I was irritated of Mac’s rudeness. “Sorry.” I told Cam, he just smiled. The game wasn’t good I can feel there is something between this two gentlemen and I thought it was just me who recognize it but the other girls too. Myra decides to break the tension and suggest taking a break and getting something to eat nearby. It doesn’t end well too because Mac always gives Cam a sarcastic remark whenever he had a chance. Tina invited us again to her friends bar but I decline all I want is to go home because I can’t go on having fun when Mac is being like this. They understand and let us go.

Mac and I rode the bus on our way home; he sets the left side of the bus and me on the right. I am so upset with him I never seen this side of him, pissing someone I know. We got off the bus walking our way to the Mansion I walk first, him following behind me we are just silent, but he is the one trying to break off the ice. “Wow there is so many stars today huh?” he said as if nothing happens. I want him to feel that I don’t like what he did so I didn’t response. “Do you want to go somewhere else?” He added again. I just keep on walking. “Ahhhmmm the rangers will be watching a movie where Dax is in this Saturday you want to go with us?” This time he walks beside me. I got irritated. I halt from walking and faced him. “How can you be so insensitive? How can you be so okay when everything doesn’t seem damn fine?” I am furious now he is playing dumb here. He looks serious too “I already told you I don’t want you to go out with him but still you didn’t listen.” He said with stern voice. “Mac you had acquainted with Cam already you even play with them can’t you sense his kindness at least? Oh yeah how could you sense it when you are so busy stoning him with your awful words? Cam didn’t do anything to you.“I just have this gut feeling Fiona.” We are already at the door by then. “Then you are wrong and stop following me.” By that, the door swung opens it was Spencer he said his greetings but I ignore him and go straight to my room.

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