Spending time with the rangers

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Every other night I end up eating with midnight snack with Mack. I found out a little more about him he likes adventures just like his father, we both like to read books and he is so fun to be with aside. I also found out that the red ranger is suppose to be Uncle Andrew but Mack keeps on insisting to join the four of them. Tyzonn was just a recent addition that’s making them 6. One day Uncle got captured and the crown by the monster name Moltor leading Mack the rescue for his father, from then on Uncle left no choice but to accept what his son desires. And Mack has prove himself so many times to be worthy as the red ranger. Mack is such an admirable man all he thinks about is to help other people and the people mattered to him. One day he told me what it feels like to have helped someone. I can see it in his eyes that he is dedicated to what he is doing the way his eyes look when he is disappointed when one woman he didn’t able to save because he thought all the people was already out, but it was captured by the greedy monster Flurious, the woman died before it reaches his arm. I was just there staring and listening to him, hoping I could say something that might lighten him up, but no words came out. He also shared how he love his father so much even butcher Spencer who has been there ever since, his team and he paused for a moment a look at me for a couple of minutes suddenly the alarm shouted. He bid goodbye. I really found myself slowly developing feelings for Mack. I found it silly knowing his my cousin, this is frustrating. I have to do something about this. I couldn’t still get a chance to talk to Uncle about Mack. Whenever I have the opportunity he is busy or he just pretending to be busy. He doesn’t want to talk about it obviously but Uncle can’t get away from me I will soon find a way to know about Mack.

I thought being a ranger is just purely fighting, saving the world and finding the lost jewels. They are on search for the third Jewel. Uncle has given them also time for relaxation. We went out for camping but Uncle did not come with us just Spencer. He said he is busy doing another zord for the rangers and I really think Uncle is avoiding me. The rangers already have like 15 zords and now Uncle is doing another number 16, 17 and 18 zords. They already have loads of them perhaps I can ask Uncle I can drive one of those.

Mack helps me set up our tent. While others are busy with theirs too. I just observe him I don’t know if it’s just me but I found him happy, there is this spark in his eyes and he is humming while doing the tent. I caught myself smiling too I got carried away with his moods. After a couple of minutes, “There it’s done! Weeew that’s wasn’t so hard.” He turns to me without breaking the smile on his face. Sure this man smiles a lot. We heard Dax “Hey guys I’ve got the bonfire fire.” We both laugh and head towards the others who are now setting circling the bonfire. While Spencer, is preparing the food. “Hey Mack you go first I got to help Spencer prepare the food.” “Should I help too?” “No Mack just go set with them.” “Ok just in case you need some lift you know who to call.” “ Hahaha I know Mack I think Spencer knows that too.” Of course with his genetically super strength he can lift a truck with it. I approach Spencer offering my help.” Thank you Miss Fiona, although I do not need it.” The old man smiling. “I’m hurt Spencer. Besides I can’t fight I want myself useful at the very least.”

“Hey Mack I just notice these days your aura seems different.” Tyzonn interrupted Dax from his corny jokes. “Yeah” Will added and Ronny too.”hahaha right.” “What?” Mack only replies smiling.” “Man, I thought I was the only one who notices that. There is this side of you Mack showing. I just can’t point it out what.”

We can hear them from our here out direction, Spencer and I just exchanging glances. I don’t know what do they mean but there is something on Spencer’s stares.

Rose added “Will the way I look at it, it seems Mack glows, inspired and there is this spark in his eyes.” “Like his in love?” Ronny answered Rose.”What makes you think that way Ron?” Will added. “Because that’s what Dax looks like when he is in love with Miratrix.” Rose answered instead of Ronny. “Hey how come it ended on me? Why do you guys have to remind me of her?” When I heard it, it’s like my heart being prick. I look on Mack’s direction, he turns red, blushing and he looks at me, only to cut by Spencer holding the Tupperware “Everything is ready Miss Fiona.” “Oh, sorry about that Spencer, here let me help you carry that.”

Good thing the talk ends up with Dax, about their love story with Miratrix who turn out to be there enemy, because I can’t stand hearing the truth if Mack is really in love. This is crazy I’m his cousin.

The meal ended with laughter’s and Mack sharing his childhood memories. Spencer just silent which is very unlikely he is always full of stories to tell he just set their and listening and sometimes I caught him staring at Mack. Looks like he felt pity for Mack for some reasons, although Mack’s stories are a happy one or maybe it’s just me. While I am also busy figuring out how the hell we didn’t met Mack before it is something my Uncle won’t tell me about, my frustrations getting bigger it’s killing me.

I’m not sleepy yet so I decided to sit, lean on a dead tree looking at the stars resting my head and closing my eyes still frustrated with my Uncle.

Others are already in their tent and Spencer is already asleep.

Falling in Love with the Red RangerWhere stories live. Discover now