My captivity by Moltor

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Closing my eyes I don’t know for how long, last time I know I was just setting on a tree.  Now I am lying in a hard surface. I slowly open my eyes and its little blurry, I close and open my eyes a couple of times to get rid of the blurriness. Looking above, to my left and right, everything is a little bit dim, I am surrounded by a brown walls and ceiling, no it’s like I’m in a cave or something. I can’t move my hands. I began to panic. “Where am I?” I tried to get up but my hands are tied. Suddenly I heard a noise not so far away from me, a screeching noise and it’s getting closer, I’m scared. “Aha!”, I was startled when I heard that thunder like sound I turn towards where I hear that horrifying voice and it’s too late for me to realize that I shouldn’t have look the owner of that voice because that thing is much horrifying look aside of his voice. He has horns and his chest has teeth and he is red, the monster laughs like and evil that wants to get your soul no matter what.  I’m trembling in fear and I couldn’t even utter a word. There are more monsters came on different directions. This hideous red monster is heading towards me and cup my face with this filthy hands “Hahahaha…the jewels will be mine now because of you.” My throat is dry and my tears are falling like raindrops. “Trading will be fun.” And he laughs evilly again.

Rangers are in chaos when they found out that Fiona is gone missing; Andrew and Rose are busy looking at the monitor, while the rest of ranger is with Mac who is still at the mountain where they gone camping. Mac is just silent and heading in different directions looking unease. Spencer is worried with Fiona as much as he is worried with Mac, because Mac being like this very silent he don’t know what he will going to do. Mac looks like going to break from worrying, he hadn’t eaten anything yet from breakfast and lunch. Suddenly Rose called, “Hey Mr. Hartford checks this out.” Spencer and Andrew gathered with Rose and connect what she gets to the rest of the rangers. It was a massage from Moltor, “Hey Power Rangers what do you think of making a trade with me? The jewels against this very lovely lady with me.”  Moltor,  holding Fiona. “I would have guessed.” Uncle Andrew says. After Moltor gives the instructions as to where and how the trading will be happening he called the rest of ranger for a plan. Because they all know that even the jewels will be at the hand of Moltor he will not give Fiona back alive.

Mac is furious and punches the tree trunk beside him. He wants to save Fiona alone while the rest of crew will try to lure Moltor. All is set. “You be careful Mac.” Uncle Andrew said to Mac. They now know there hideout after Rose tract Fiona’s bracelet which Rose give her. Mac will save Fiona before the said time of the trading.

The place horribly disgusting with mud everywhere the only thing that keeps the way bright is the fire that lit beside each corner of the cave. Mac is slowly making his way through with a small spotlight from his hand. He encounters a couple of Moltor’s minions but manage to get them silent before they can punch him. He reached in a very isolated corner with only one fire lighted not the same as the other he hear a sob he slowly walk in, he immediately seen Fiona setting with her knees on her head. He feels his heart is squeeze. He hurriedly runs to Fiona.

I am crying like forever and wish that this is just a dream, if not; I wish Mac will rescue me. “Fiona.” Suddenly someone called me with Mac’s voice how I wish it was his and I am not hallucinating. I slowly look up. “Fiona.” “Mac?” And I hug him and cried more. “Fiona, sssshhhh your safe now.” It’s the first time I talk ever since I wake up, hearing his voice, even if we are still in this horrible place I am at peace that I am really safe with his arms like this, his hugging me too as if we hadn’t seen such a long time and we miss each other so much. “Come, let’s get out of here. Can you walk?” "I guess." He helps me stand up and hold my hand as we silently making our way out.

We manage to get out with the help of the rest of the Power Rangers we back at our Uncle’s Mansion safely, Jewels intact and Mac who never leave by my side, asking me if I’m okay while holding my hand.

“I am now. Thanks Mac.”, He smiles and hug me.”I don’t know what I would do if we hadn’t found you.” I hug him back.

We separated from hugging when we heard Spencer’s ahem.

“Young Master, your father is looking for you.”

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