A Friend or an Enemy?

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Fiona's POV

I was awaken by someone lightly stroking my hair, though I wasn't really opening my eyes since the bed really hypnotizing makes me lazy to get up or just by opening my eyes, and the smell of the lavender scents, it feels like home. Then the one that stroking my hair sweetly says from a very familiar voice that I long to hear from a very long time," Fiona, Fiona sweetie." And I just love to hear my name when it came from my grandmother. I excitedly open my eyes and plastered a smile and see my beautiful ever caring grandmother, even though her face has covered with creases due to old age but that tender beautiful hazel looking eyes you could tell how beautiful this old woman inside and outside, and she looks just the same the last time I saw her. I got up and hug my grandmother tight who is seating on the bed next to me. "I miss you grandma so much." "So do I sweetie." She hugs me back. "How's school?"As we parted from hugging grandmother asks, as she always do, she really wanted me to finish school because she never finish hers and that's one of the biggest regrets in her life as she recalls whenever we have time to talk about her past. There are times in her past she wants to turn back, to do differently, but no one really could turn back the time so she makes sure I didn't do those things so that I will not suffer the same regrets as she had. "All is well grandma, you know me I always on top." I proudly narrate to my grandmother. "That's good sweetie and I'm proud of you even you are not on top, you know that you don't have to strive to be on top just..." Before my grandmother could finish, I finish it for her. "...enjoy, learn and have fun." We just both laugh, because those words I've heard it and have had memorize it as long as I can remember when I was a child and I have kept it like a jewel in a box. My grandmother wants me to finish school without sacrificing my teenage years but not to the extent of doing stuff that could ruin my life and my future. We both heard a knock on the floor my grandmother slowly get up from seating, walking her way to the door to open it whoever it is at the other end. She opens it wide and we both look in terror when we see who is at the door, it was Kamdor in his monstrous and hideous attire. I am terrified when I realize that my beloved grandmother is just half a meter away from this killer monster. I got up to save my grandmother but the bed suddenly has a mind of its own and sprouting roots and curled up all over my body locking me up on the bed as a tried to escape and save my grandmother but my grandmother is just standing still so I tried to call her to get away from the door but no voice is coming out even I try harder. The roots are already gone up to my neck choking me to death. I can no longer breathe. Then someone shake me. "Fiona, Fiona wakes up. You're dreaming." I was surprised and confused when I wake up and catching my breath when I see who's waking me up. "Cam? What are you doing here? Where's grandma?" I ask Cam stammering, he helps me got up and I look around, then I realized I wasn't in my house. The room looks like a princess bedroom; the bed has a canopy and light blue velvet drapes with gold laces & trimmings. The light blue bedding made of satin that complements the color of the wall, wall art sets like from the 19thcentury. The flooring has a very nice marquetry designs, and the furniture's is made of luxury that complements well in every angle of the room. I look at Cam more confuse than ever. "Where am I Cam?" Cam just look at me as if he hears nothing from me, then I remembered. "I was on my way to the port and I lost consciousness when pressed that thing and..." "You take a rest Fiona." Cam interrupts. "Where am I? I want to go home. Uncle well get worried and Mack..." I told Cam worriedly. Then someone open the large wooden door suddenly. It was Myra. I was a little bit at ease when I saw her. She slams the door she looks grumpy and she just glance at me as if I'm her prey, I've never seen her having an attitude like that. "Is the word knocking not a part of your vocabulary?" Cam sarcastically told Myra. Myra is coming her way clicking those purple pair of stilettos as she face Cam arrogantly."It's my house isn't? Then I can do whatever I want." Cam scoffs and says to Myra in the face telling Myra who is in charge. "Just don't forget who I am and remember your place." Cam sternly say to Myra. "When she hears this she made a couple of steps back holding her gaze to Cam and then she glance at me. Me as confused as I ever I wanted to ask her many things but seeing both of them like this I can no longer utter a word and I am changing glances to both of them hoping they could at least explain to me what's going on without repeating the questions I did earlier for Cam. I can feel that something isn't right.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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