Chapter 1

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Today was just like any other day. I woke up to an army trumpet alarm going off at 4:30 in the morning. I dragged myself out of bed and zombie walked to the shower. I put my hand in the water to see if it warmed up but it was ice cold. The cold water made it evident that my water heater needed to be replaced.

The shower was quick; I was in and out before changing into my double layer jeans and crew neck jacket. I made a quick bowl of oatmeal before jumping into my truck and headed down to the docks so I could get everything ready for the workers.

Pulling up to the dock, there was no natural lighting since it was still dark out at 5:30 in the morning. The sun won't start to rise until 6:45. I pulled my hair back as I looked around to where to start and then got to work.

Everything was prepped and ready for the day by 6:15 am. I didn't need to leave here until 7:30 to go get the kids for school. So, I went on the boat and got to work on it. The Paul & Darlene, a family boat that belonged to my employer and best friend Sarah Wilson. It was bent out of shape but with some TLC and elbow grease the oat could be up and running good as new.

I finished realigning the pipes that I had taken apart and cleaned before wiping the sweat off my face. It was at that point I realized that I had grease on my hands and it had smudged onto my forehead. Great, just great... I checked my watch. 7:20 am. I should head out and go get Sarahs kids for school. I set down my tools before heading to my truck and heading over to her house.

This had been my life for the last 5 and half years. Sarah lost the only family she had during the blip. I had started working for her a few months before it occurred. When she lost her brother I stepped in and helped where I could. I help prep the docks, I take the kids to school, pick them up after. I work 7 days a week so she works 5. I'd do anything for them.

I pulled up to the house and my panic rises a bit. There was an unfamiliar vehicle in the street and looking up to the porch the door was wide open. I slowly reach over to my glove box and grab out my 9mm before sliding out of my truck and quietly making my way to the door.

"Sarah?" I ask as I walk inside. My gun was pointed low as I swept the room. I didn't want to have it raised and accidently scare either Sarah or the boys. Looking around nothing was broken or out of placed. No signs of forced entry. I heard a noise from the kitchen and made my way to it. Turning the corner gun still low I see an unfamiliar man with his back to me. Sarah sets down something on the counter before turning and seeing me.

"YN, it's alright, put the gun away." The man heard gun and was immediately on his feet facing me. His dark brown eyes were wide as he eyes me carefully.

"There was an unfamiliar vehicle on the street, door wide open. You didn't answer me when I came in the door. What else do you expect from me Sarah?" I ask still having the gun trained low to the floor. I never took my eyes off this mystery man.

"YN, this is my brother Sam. He's not a threat to me or the boys." Sarah told me calmly taking a step forward. I look back to the man -Sam- and once again look him over in assessment before placing my gun away and turning back to Sarah, now angry.

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I TELL YOU TO KEEP THE DOOR CLOSED AND LOCKED!" I shouted before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. I let out an irritated huff but started to calm down. After a moment or two I open my eyes and my body relaxes, just a bit. "How am I supposed to take care of y'all if you can't do that?" I mutter letting out one more sigh before composing myself. "Are the boys ready?" I asked now calm but still slightly on edge from irritation.

"BOYS! SCHOOL!" Sarah shouted up the stairs, she walked over and grabbed my normal coffee mug and handed it to me.

"Thank you." I mutter as I take a drink of the warm liquid.

"How'd your morning go?" Sarah asked taking a seat at the table. Sam was still standing but now resting against the counter arms crossed.

"Same as normal. The docks ready for Y'all to get your day started."

"Sleep?" Sarah asked carefully. My eyes immediately snapped over to Sam as I spoke.

"I'd rather not discuss that in mixed company..." I watched as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Don't worry, I was just filling Sam in on the boat and the loans." I tilted my head as I looked back to Sarah.

"I don't understand? Were you not notified?" I ask confused.

"What are you talking about?" Sam spoke up for the first time since I walked into the door.

"I know you couldn't take out a loan with the financial difficulties of your other ones. I went to the bank and took out one to consolidate the loans. It dropped your house payment by 400 dollars a month which can be used elsewhere. You have no loan payments due. Plus, I've spent the last 4 months going into work an hour or two early to work on the boat. Sure, it's still got a few more months of work. I only get a few hours a day to work on it. But once its done you can use it as a charter like you wanted to."

"I'm sorry you have no right to do that, this is a family business." Sam spoke angrily.

"Actually, she does. I needed a cosigner since we lost you to the blip. She was the only one I trusted. She is the co-owner of our business since you were gone." Sarah spoke softly in hopes not to irritate her brother more.

I remember back when the blip first happened. Sarah was so lost. I offered her help and a few months later she added me to the business. I agreed not to do anything unless necessary. It wasn't till 6 months ago, right before the return of half the universe that I decided to step forward and do something.

Sarah was about to the lose the house. She tried to get another loan but with the financial debt she had she couldn't. I went in as the head and with my credit and whatnot got a loan big enough to consolidate all the others. Then with my savings I paid off the loan making the financial burden on the Wilson family disappear.

"YN!" I hear the boys footsteps and I soon feel their arms wrapped around me in a hug. I ruffle their hair with a small smile on my lips.

"Hey you two, you ready for school?" I ask as they let go of me. They nodded their heads. "Okay, head out to the truck, let me grab my coffee. I'll be right out there." I tell them, moments later they ran out the house to the truck. I turn my attention back to the two siblings.

"Look, I'm sorry, that was a lot of information to give you. But I need you to understand; Mr. Wilson, that I will not let this family drown. If there is anything I can do to help out Sarah and the kids. I do it. No questions asked. I've been doing it for 5 years. I know you had no way of preventing the blip but I was here. I know the struggles the business and family went through, and because of that I do everything I can for Sarah and those two boys. Now, if you'll excuse me I need to get them to school before they are late. I'll see you on the docks!" I shout as I exit the house, closing the door behind me. 

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