Surprise (part 1)

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February 18th

Huaze Lei

Walking onto campus, many of my classmates stopped and stared as I walked to my destination. I looked straightforward with a neutral expression making my way to the business building. It did not take long before making my way over to the bridegroom where Si would be. Ximen and Meizuo don't arrive for another hour. Entering the bridegroom I walked to the stairs and made my way down to find Si sitting in his usual chair looking at a book. He looked up once he noticed my presence.

"Since when?" I asked him. He closed his book and sighed before standing. 

"Since Thursday evening after she came from your house. How can you possibly get mad at anything right now? Do you have any idea what you've caused?"

"What are you talking about?"

"How could you have let Faye keep that secret from Ximen for so long?"

"Si..." I said slowly wondering what he meant by this. "I was going to tell him around your birthday."

"I think you really need to talk to Faye."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Do you even care about her feelings?"

"Of course I do. I was being irrational the other day, but I would never think about another girl. I love Faye."

"Then you need to continue to show her that. Stop pushing her away. She's carrying your child. You have no room to keep pushing her away the way you do. She needs you more than she ever has now."

"Do you know where she is? She has been ignoring my texts and calls this weekend."

"She may be with Senior Yu Yin. I warn you, the only reason she's functioning right now, is because she has put up a wall against you, Ximen, and Gu Weiyi. She may be trying to push you away."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Si, you need to elaborate what I'm missing here."

"It's not my story to tell. You're going to have to ask her yourself. I shouldn't even be saying this much, but I'm concerned for your child at the moment and for your girlfriend's health."

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Then maybe she should be Lei," Si frowned. "I can tell she misses you, but because of your behavior, she's trying to hide it and pretend you two are fine. I'm not dumb Lei."

"Where is she? Is she on campus yet?"

"She should be practicing in the rehearsal room. I helped her this morning bring her cello into the practice before leaving her with the Senior. That was an hour ago, she may not be there now."

"Since when did you become close to Faye?"

"Not my story to tell Lei," Doaming Si huffed. "I'm just trying to ease her troubles. That's all for now. She doesn't trust me well enough yet to be exactly close."

"Ximen is going to kill me," I sighed.


Walking into my last class of the day, I frowned to myself wondering why I haven't seen Faye once today. I'm sure when we planned for our courses last semester, we had an identical schedule. For me to now just realIze this three weeks into the semester is terrible for me.

Just slightly do I remember Faye in my classes, but the first two weeks past in a blur. I stressed about finishing the paper  I had barely worked on during the break and making sure Shancai was doing alright after being kidnapped and hospitalized.

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