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Sugawara walked home after volleyball practice under the cover of night, his only guide home the streetlights and the moon. Turning the corner he reached his favourite bench. Well, it was his favourite bench when it was light out, but when it was dark it gave him such an odd feeling, like someone was watching him. There was a single street light above said bench, the only street light for a while too.

And with his luck, it was dark out. It was winter, so the sun went away much quicker than before.

On most days, Suga would speed walk his way until more street lights appeared, sometimes even jogging. It's not like he was scared, no. Well, maybe just a little bit. He knew full well that if someone were to attack him, depending on their size he could eight times out of ten take them on if that's what it came to.

Underneath the streetlight was the bench as always, but on that bench was a man clad in black. A black hat, a long black trench coat, black boots, he even had black hair to match. Quickening his pace, he tried to evade this strange male. His heart dropped when he saw him out of the corner of his eye stand up and head towards him.

Shit shit shit! he thought. Leave me the fuck alone, creep! The man finally caught up to him and Suga was ready to bolt out of there when he pulled out a book.

A black book.

Great. As if his fit wasn't suspicious enough, he also has a book to match. If this man doesn't kill me this'll be a great story to tell.

"Excuse me, sir," the man asked. Sugawara was taken aback at the fact of being called 'sir', but he didn't mind. In fact he kind of liked it. Nobody had ever called him that before. Turning around he faced the man. "Do you by any chance play volleyball?"

Volleyball? Of all things this man could've asked, he asked if he plays volleyball? "Yes, I do. Why?" Sugawara skeptically asked.

Although he couldn't see this man's full face, Suga could see his mouth. When he answered this, the man's mouth opened slightly, showing his somewhat canine-like teeth. Laughing slightly, he asked "Do you think you could sign my book?" He was now holding it towards the silver haired male with a pen in his hand.

"Okay?" Taking the pen from the stranger he signed it without a second thought.

"Thank you, sir. I really, really appreciate it," the man profusely thanked him before he walked away.

"That was... weird." Suga said to himself. He shrugged it off as just another crackhead paying too much attention to detail. He was still wearing his volleyball shoes, seeing as he was too lazy to switch them out. He could've easily used those to guess which sport he played.

Reaching his door, he placed his key inside the keyhole, the experience with the man completely leaving his memory.

When he reached his room, he was so tired he just plopped on his bed and slept.

"Rumour has it he died the following morning." Silence filled the table. The Fukurodani volleyball team was eating lunch together and Bokuto, being the most popular in the group, had heard news that one of Karasuno's setters had fallen ill and then suddenly died. How he found out the part about the bench and then man, nobody knows.

"That's terrible," Komi responded, finally breaking the silence. "Just like that?"

Bokuto nodded. "Just like that."

"So what, is this man targeting volleyball players or what?" Konoha asked.

"I'm not sure. But at least we'll be safe, living in Tokyo and all." Everyone else at the table nodded in agreement with this statement.

The time after practice had come and Akaashi was walking home, the story of the dead setter still fresh in his mind.

You're being silly, Keiji. That happened in Miyagi. You're in Tokyo. That happened while it was dark. He looked around. I can't walk five steps without nearly bumping into a street light. You're completely fine.

Although he thought this he surely didn't think it. Just because you know you're safe doesn't mean you feel safe. There's always that seed of doubt, the thought that someone could be lurking in the bushes despite how light it is. You always have a blind spot.

Walking down the pathway he always took home, he walked passed a woman pushing her child in her stroller. Many people passed through this way at night, since it was so well lit. Nothing bad would happen to him in practically broad daylight.

Just a few more minutes and Akaashi would be home, free of worry from this man clad in black. Lost in his own thoughts, he was barely paying attention and bumped into someone.

"Ah, sorry," he apologized, picking up his black hat. When he handed it back to him, he could see him more clearly. A black trench coat and black boots to match. With his hat off, Akaashi could clearly see his black hair. Shit, he thought.

"No worries," the stranger smiled, pulling the hat back on his head hastily. "Hey, do you play volleyball by any chance?" he said while reaching for his book, not once taking his eyes off Akaashi.

Well, if he had eyes. When his hat was off Akaashi saw something that he knew would haunt him for the rest of his life.

Instead of eyes, it looked like a putty or clay of some sort had been slapped on this man's face, covering not only his eyes but every other facial feature as well, the only thing being visible was his mouth, home to his abnormally sharp teeth.

"No, I don't. Sorry," Akaashi quickly lied without missing a beat. As stupid as he thought it was, he had already thought of what he would say if he ever did encounter this man, so when he did he was ready.

"Oh that's too bad. Well, enjoy your night."

"You too, sir." When he was finally dismissed, he quickened his pace, never daring to look back at the man.

The man, now left alone on that pathway, slipped the book out of his pocket once more. "We all lie from time to time," he said aloud to himself. Scribbling something down in his book, he closed it, returning it to its rightful place in his pocket.

"Glad I can forge signatures."

a/n - no that black book is not the death note before anyone asks

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