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Omniscient Pov

Konoha woke up in a red room with a blue ceiling. Well, the room wasn't actually red. It was a pale blue with red lights. But he didn't know that.

"This place is ugly as shit." Instead of questioning his whereabouts and how he got there he decided the first thing he would do was criticize how the room looked.

"Where am I? How'd I get here?"

That's better.

The tall male started to slowly get up, running his fingers through his ash-blonde hair as he did so. Now that the lethargy of sleep had worn off he was able to get a better look at his surroundings.

The room was empty, square shaped and small. Around half the size of his bedroom. Across from him there was a single rectangular window. He walked towards it to see if he would recognize the outside.

But there was no outside.

Upon looking out the window Konoha saw that there wasn't much of anything. Just a black void with a red hue similar to the one inside the room.

"What the...? Is this some type of prank? If so, I want out!" Konoha started to push on the glass to see if he could pop out the window. When that didn't work he resorted to banging repeatedly on the glass, not caring if glass shards got in his hands because of his constant pounding.

"No dice... what now?" He started to look for another way out. In his head he was being pranked. If he was being pranked he would've had to be put in the room somehow and there was no way he could've easily fit through that small window. Using this logic there had to be another exit.

Konoha got on his hands and knees and started rubbing his hands along the floor in search of a door knob, handle or even hinges. When he couldn't find any on the floor he moved onto the walls. Konoha was tall and the ceiling was low... lower than before. Could the room be shrinking? Anyway, with that combination he was able to feel every inch of the four walls that surrounded him and still

"Nothing? Really? This isn't funny! Whoever's holding me here you better let me go!" Konoha continued yelling at no one in particular when a stop sign popped up in front of him. "How the hell...?"

It was now that he realized that he in fact was not being pranked. But he didn't want to acknowledge that fact. Instead he held onto his prior theory as a way of coping.

"What do you mean, 'stop'? I'm not even doing anything!" Another stop sign popped up, this time closer to blonde. "What could you possibly want me to stop?" He sat down, feeling hopeless. As he sat down the first stop sign disappeared.

"That's what you wanted? Me to stop standing?" He again asked nobody. "And what about you? What do you want?" He seemed to be talking to the sign. He stared at it as if he expected it to answer. After a few long minutes of staring at it it disappeared.

"You wanted me to shut up? That's kind of rude..." Upon talking again the sign reappeared.

What's even going on here? He thought. Why doesn't this place want me to talk or stand?

The sign went away again after a while. But it didn't take long for another to pop back up.

Again? What am I doing this time?

Another one popped up.

Is it because I'm thinking? That would mean whoever's doing this would have to be able to read my mind. But that's not possible.

Is it?

Just to test it out Konoha tried to make his mind go completely blank. But that didn't help as instead of leaving him alone another sign popped up.

"I don't get it! What do you want me to do?"

And another.

"Can you just stop? Just tell me what you want? You want money? Sex? What?!"

And another.

The signs wouldn't stop coming even after his desperate pleas. Konoha felt as if they were closing in on him, making him feel claustrophobic.

"I can't do this! I don't get it! I don't get it..." His screams soon turned into sobs as he felt overwhelmed by his current situation.

"I don't... I don't know what to do..." he said quietly between hiccups. "What, do you want me to stop living? Are you that sick?"


"Why would I even expect you to answer that time? You want me to die, huh? Then I'll just... die." He started to hold his breath. It took every ounce of discipline and all his will power to not give in and breathe. He started to claw at his own throat after the one minute mark. His body felt uncomfortable as it continued to be denied of the oxygen it needed to function. He started to see black dots in front of him and he felt relieved that he would soon pass out.

Konoha's lifeless body was found in the middle of the woods. These woods were located in the Miyagi prefecture when he lived in Tokyo. Nobody knows how he got there. His cause of death was asphyxiation but there were no strangulation marks around his neck. Not even a sign of struggle. People who knew him didn't think he was capable of suicide and even if he was why were there no physical signs?

What force drove him there? Or was it an actual person who brought him there? Could someone have messed with his mind? Not bullying him but somehow manipulating him to come here and do the unthinkable? If so, how many other people had they done this to? Was Konoha just unlucky or could he actually be one of thousands that fell victim to this sort of mental massacre?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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