𝘕𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘌𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩

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"Semi." Ushijima called out to the Ash-blonde in a deadpan tone. It was their second year in high school and they had just finished their last practice for the week. "Your sets..." he started.

"Are less than subpar. Fix it." And that was all. He didn't tell him how he could improve them. Were they too slow? Too fast? Too low? Too high? Or was it another thing entirely? Before he had the chance to grumble away to his dorm, Ushijima turned around to face him again.

"Don't act like your position as setter is secure, Semi. There's a promising first year on the team and I'm certain he's just itching to take your spot." After adding that bit of unwanted 'advice', Ushijima finally left, much to Semi's delight.

Why did he act so high and mighty? Did he think he was special just because he was left handed? Does he even know how stressful being a setter even is? Semi was convinced that Ushijima was just lying to him in an attempt to play with his ego so he can do better. But Semi knew he was good. Even the upperclassmen commemorated him for his efforts. So why did Ushijima think that he was above everyone else?

"Shirabu." It was one year later and Ushijima was preparing to have a nearly identical conversation with Shirabu that he had with Semi a year prior.

But Shirabu wasn't Semi, meaning the conversation wouldn't go the same way. The first difference is that he actually responded to Ushijima instead of keeping his mouth shut. "Yes?"

"You sets are lacking. Fix it."

"How?" he asked.

"Excuse me?"

"You told me my sets are lacking, right? I'd like to know how. Are they too high, low, what?"

Ushijima was silenced. At a loss for words. Yes, he was a rather quiet guy but never when it came to volleyball. He was the captain of his team, after all. He couldn't afford to hold his tongue when something- or someone- needed fixing.

Finally fed up, Shirabu spoke again. "See, you don't know what you're talking about, do you? Is it that you don't like my sets or is it that you just don't like how I'm the one setting them to you?" he snapped.

"Say, Ushijima, do you look at me and imagine somebody else?"

"You forget yourself, Shirabu," the large male cut him off before he could do any more damage. Everything he was saying was very much true. "Don't get too comfortable where you stand. There will always be someone watching, waiting for you to mess up so they can take your place. I think now that person is more deserving than you."

Before Shirabu had a chance to say anything- and he would've- Ushijima left him alone.

"Did he just threaten me?" he asked more to himself than anyone else. But just because it was meant for only him to hear doesn't mean he was the only one to hear it.

"Yeah, he did," Semi chimed in as if on cue. "He gave me the same conversation last year and now look at me. Once setter now turned pinch server."

"Oh. Sorry about that."

"Don't be. It's not your fault. Plus, if someone's ever in the position where they feel like they have to pick me or another person, I'd rather them pick the other person, even if I do end up getting hurt."

"That's pretty cool of you."

"Yeah, I know," he gave a cocky smile. "But what were you saying by 'do you look at me and imagine somebody else'? Was there something I missed or...?" he trailed off, expecting Shirabu to take the hint. Luckily for him, he did.

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