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jake's head is about to crack open.

it's been exactly three hours and he's been drinking all sorts of alcohol- courtesy of geonu- and now he feels like dying.

crap, am i gonna die of alcohol poisoning?

"no- jungwon stop changing the music!" sunoo yelled.

it's already past 11 pm, and the party is still going at their blockmate's house.

"shut up! no one wants to hear your crappy ass music choice!" jungwon yelled back with louder voice. oh great, jungwon's probably drunk too.

jake groaned as he struggles to find his way towards the couch. he sighed in relief and sat down, finally escaping from geonu.

"oh no, don't tell me you're drunk too? i don't want to take care of you guys all by myself."

he chuckled when he heard daniel's complain. the guy sits beside him, holding a bag of chips on his hand.

"i'm still sober, don't worry," jake giggles.

daniel looked at him with disappointment. "judging from the way you giggled in front of me, you're definitely drunk." he stood up.

"don't go anywhere okay? i'll just find geonu and then we'll go home." jake just nodded at his friend although he couldn't understand what he said.


kim daniel @dongkyu tweeted.

it took me 10 mins to look for this moron just to see him doing this kind of stunt 😕😕😕 @geonuyah i hope you're ashamed of yourself midget

it took me 10 mins to look for this moron just to see him doing this kind of stunt 😕😕😕 @geonuyah i hope you're ashamed of yourself midget

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@hanbinjjang reminder: pls put him on a cage next time he gets drunk 😔
↪@dongkyu hyung, i think i'm gonna have to put them all in a cage rn 😃
↪@hanbinjjang wait what- THEY'RE ALL DRUNK ?!



good evening everyone~
is @jongseong and @ni-ki here?


yeah clearly i wasn't looking for you so shut it


i'm here hyungg
is there something wrong?

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