Chapter 13: Break up

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I rushed out of Dann's apartment. The night had been a nightmare. After Dann had made me uncomfortable in the beginning of the night he hadn't stopped doing it, so now I was rushing to get out of the building and to the Avengers' tower. Throughout the night I had tried to stay calm and hopefully I did, but I wouldn't be surprised if I couldn't. Once I stepped out of the building my lungs filled with fresh air. I made sure to go to an alley where no one was and flew to the Avengers' tower. 

I walked in my room and got out of the dress and into some comfortable sweats, then cleaned my makeup. I walked to Peter's door and knocked lightly.

"Come in!" His soft voice said from the other side of the door. I opened it and I felt my cheeks heat. Peter was siting shirtless on his bed, reading a book. I found myself staring at his ripped body for a little too long.

"Hey, how bad was it?" Peter asked. I chuckled. He already knew it was bad.

"Really bad." I sighed as I sat down on his bed.

"On the scale from 1 to 10?" He asked.


"That bad, huh? What did he do?" Peter sighed.

"He was making me uncomfortable the whole time. When I signaled for him to stop, guess what he didn't. What a surprise?!" I said ironically. Peter put an arm around my shoulders and rubbed them in a small attempt to make me feel better. 

"Alright, that's it! We'll talk with the team tomorrow and get him as soon as possible." Peter said. Those words were all I needed. I knew Peter was always gonna be here whenever  I needed him. He was like my brothers, but more. There was something, I didn't know what, but just something that made Peter more than a friend. 

I lay my head on his shoulder and he continued to soothingly rub my arm. 

I walked into the living room to find the team already gathered up.

"Morning, Y/N." Nat said. 

"Morning." I returned. I walked next to Peter and he put his arm around my back. My cheeks flushed red and my heart warmed. Whatever I was feeling for him was getting bigger and bigger every time we spoke. 

"So lets clear everything. You want to catch Dann tonight?" Steve asked. I nodded.

"And you're sure now's the right time?" He continued.

"Are you kidding? I've been forced to date him for months, of course I think it's the right time. He won't get suspicious, if we just tell him he's coming for a family dinner or something." I answered.

"Alright, bring him today." Steve said. I nodded and looked at Peter. We started walking out of the living room and out of the tower.

"Oh, by the way, I was thinking, how about only I go to the school today and I'll tell Dann you're sick?" Peter asked. I looked at him and smiled.

"Are you sure?" I asked. The offer he was making was really kind, but I knew that he despised Dann, just as much as I do, so I had to be sure.

"Don't worry about me." He said. I smiled and hugged him. He hugged back a second later.

"Y/N, they're here!" Nat said. I looked out of the window and I saw Peter holding a struggling Dann. 

"Let's go!" Steve said. He was suited up and so were Nat, Tony and Wanda. We walked out of the tower and towards Peter and Dann.

"Dann, stop struggling, you can't go anywhere." Peter told him. 

"Do you think Y/N will be happy when she understands you're trying to beat me for God knows what reason. She loves me, how do you think she would react when she understands?" Dann said to Peter.

"One, I won't beat you. Two, why don't you look in front of you." Peter said. Dann gave him a confused look and looked up. I walked in front of the others, putting my hands against my forehead and moving them down my hair (like Hela in her first scene in Ragnarok, however, you're walking). Dann looked at me wide-eyed.

"Not so talkative now, are you?" I asked him. He just stared at me. I snapped my fingers in front of his face.

"Dann, come on, if you tell me you haven't noticed the way I act around you, then you're blind." I told him. I tried to look annoyed, but on the inside I was so satisfied. We had finally caught him! All these months of struggle were definitely worth it, just to see him where he is now.

"Let's get him inside." Steve said. 

I watched as the Avengers interrogated Dann. From what I was seeing he wasn't saying a thing. Peter came next to me. 

"How's it going?" I asked. I didn't want to go inside yet.

"He hasn't opened his mouth once." Peter said. I sighed.

"Alright, I'll go."

"Are you sure?" 

"Are you kidding? I've wanted to do that since I first saw him." I said. Peter smiled and opened the door for me. I walked inside and Nat, Steve, Tony and Wanda looked at me. So did Dann.

"Leave them alone, guys. Trust me." Peter said. The other four nodded and left the room. 

"Dann, there's no point in hiding anything. You're either gonna tell us now what we ask you, or we're gonna find what we need. Either way, we'll get what we want, it's up to you if it's gonna be the ease or time consuming way." I said. Dann looked down, than looked at me.

"How long have you been here? I didn't know there was a new avenger?" He asked. I sighed. This was gonna be time consuming and I knew it.

"You didn't know because it's new and was supposed to be a secret at least for a couple more months." I said.

"Who are you?"

"I am Y/N Odinson. The goddess of the four elements and the strongest Odinson."

"So you're a god?"

"Yes, Dann, I am a God, and yes I am 19, now if you don't mind we're interrogating you not me." I said. Dann sighed and leaned back into the chair he was tied to. 

"What do you want to know?" He asked.

"Who do you work for and what do you want?" I said. The questions were simple, but I knew the answers weren't gonna be.

"All I'm gonna say is I'm not from Hydra. I work for an organization called Athos." He said.

"You didn't answer my other question." I said.

"I wasn't intending to." Dann sassed.

"Listen, Dann! I don't have time for your games. Tell me what I want or I'll burn you!" I said, getting annoyed.

"You know you look so cute when you're annoyed, love." And that was all I needed. I launched my fist at him and finally punched him!

A/N: And hello again guys. I want to say you're crazy. I uploaded Chapter 12 a couple of hours ago and we're almost at 400 reads. YOU ARE AMAZING. I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH. Also this chapter was a little shorter, but I gotta say it was really enjoyable to write. Idk about you, but Dann was annoying the living hell out of me so I'm glad Y/N finally punched him. Also quick announcement. Chapter 12 was supposed to be posted after the A/N chapter but something happened and they switched places, so just so it doesn't look weird I thought I'd say it. Anyway have great week full of success everyone and I love you <3.       

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