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The first thing I did was jump in her bed hug her and put a hand on her stomach, "Mom please don't be mad it was only one time a few weeks ago and I really regret it I know it was too soon, and he broke up with me today over text before I even knew I was pregnant". "Honey I could never be mad, although I'm going to be a grandma at 32 years old!" I tickled her she giggled cutely and I heard Chris come in "hey ladies" he said and bowed with the ice cream "does he know" I whispered to Lilly "no, I don't know what to say I told him we broke up but nothing more" Lilly said "hey Chris come sit down for a second" I said "here" "I'm pregnant" Lilly said, he looked shocked "oh" was the only thing he said "is it Noah's?" He asked Lilly answered him "yes" she said disappointed, " well Im happy for you what ever they are I'm sure they would be very cute" he said "should we call Scarlett?" I asked. "Sure Lilly said nervous "I'm going to go to the bathroom for a second" I knew she was anxious about how Scarlett will react she went to the bathroom I heated her quiet sobs, we called Scarlett
"Hey Lilly !"
"Scarlett it's me and Chris here"I said
"We have something to tell you" Chris said
"Why do I hear Lilly crying?"
"Lilly's pregnant" we said I'm sync
"I'm coming over"
The call ended
I went to the bathroom to check on Lilly and I saw her sitting by the toilet throwing up I held her hair back so I wouldn't get dirty and sat by her rubbing her back "get it all out"

Scarlett just arrived and ran over to us seeing Lilly over the toilet "is she okay?" She asked pointing over to Lilly she sat on the other side of her and rubbed her arm "shh it's okay honey, it's me Scarlett here" she said Lilly then got away from the toilet and just curled into a ball putting her head in her arms "I'm so sorry" she said "honey it's okay don't be sorry" Scarlett hugged her, "what about I make you an appointment for the doctors tomorrow?" "Okay" she answered , we finished the night off by watching movies together and eating ice cream.

Teen pregnancy, at least she has Scarlett which went through a pregnancy and others to support her but Noah is a jerk.

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