2 | nightmare

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If there was one thing Sera hates it was nightmares

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If there was one thing Sera hates it was nightmares. After everything she had been through, she had thought therapy had helped but it hadn't helped with the nightmares. Almost every night she would wake up with a nightmare. Ryan had done what he could to help her but not much worked. That night wasn't any different.

"Chose. Only one of them get to live. Your girlfriend or the woman you have been cheating with. Tick tock." Diane grinned.

Sera scoffed, "What makes you think you're going to get what you want?" She wanted nothing than to smack Diane in the face for putting them in such a situation. It had been easy for her to get Maeve but Sera had not excepted to get ambushed.

Diane smirked, "Oh I will. If he saves you, he's going to resent you for not having a chance with Maeve but if he saves her, you're never going to look at him the same way. Either way, you're going to hate him because truth is, he doesn't want to be with you anymore." As much as Sera wanted to hit her for what she was saying, she wasn't wrong. Lately, Spencer has been pulling away from her and she would have never thought he could cheat on her, not until she came face to face with Maeve.

"You know nothing." Spencer yelled.

Sera could see he uncertainty across his face. "Spencer," she whispered. In that moment she knew, he wasn't going to chose her.

"Chose." Diane screamed.

"Maeve, I chose Maeve."

Sera looked at him in disbelief as Diane laughed, "I told you. I'm sorry for what I'm about to do." Despite the situation, Sera could see the pity on her face because she knew what it was like to have someone else chosen over you. She didn't want to kill her but someone had to die. Before Diane could pull the trigger, a shot rang out.

And she woke up.

She felt Ryan shaking her awake, "Wake up, love. I'm here. Wake up." Sera shot up in bed, breathing heavily, trying to slow her heart rate. She pressed a hand to her face, sweat covered her forehead and tears ran down her cheeks. It had been a nightmare but it had happened and she hated thinking about it.

"Breathe," Ryan spoke softly as he ran a hand up and down her back.

It took a few minutes but she finally calmed down enough to speak, "It was the same nightmare." She had been having the same nightmares ever since it happened and she hated it. Hated knowing how easy it was for people to walk away from her, because in the aftermath she found out who her real friends were.

"You're okay. You're safe." Ryan reassured.

Sera sighed as she moved to lay her head on his chest, "I hate this. I hate seeing it over and over again." She would take sleeping pills to help but the last time she was on sleeping pills, she had gotten addicted and that was the last thing she wanted.

"I know but you will get through this."

"Easier said than done."


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Sera took a deep breathe, "Spencer."

"What are you doing here?" He asked. It had been months since he had last seen her. He knew she still worked in the building but he didn't see her. It wasn't like he could blame her, so much had happened between the two of them and she just needed her space.

Sera gripped her laptop across her chest tighter, "I work here. Where else would I be?"

"That's not what I meant, I just thought you had left the FBI after what had happened." Spencer explained.

Sera shook her head, "Why would you think I would quit my job? What happened almost got me killed and in the process I realised I was so much more. I deserve someone that cares about me, not someone that leaves as soon as someone else comes along. I thought you were my friend but I guess I was wrong." She couldn't understand where he got the audacity to think she would leave everything behind for someone like him. He made a choice that day but so did she. She became stronger and wasn't going to let him keep hurting her.

"I never meant for you to get hurt." Spencer whispered.

"Never meant for me to get hurt? Were you just going to wait until you couldn't hide it anymore? Did you think I wouldn't find out eventually? You had been sneaking around for weeks, I knew there was something going on, I just didn't want to believe it. You don't get to make me feel like shit when you chose someone else over me. I don't owe you shit. You and I we're done." Sera spoke firmly. She was not about to let him get away with thinking he did nothing wrong. He had hurt her beyond words and he was not about to gaslight her into thinking he was a victim rather than it all being his fault.

Spencer took a step closer to her, "I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. At first she was just helping me with my migraines but then, we started to talk about other things and before I knew it, we were talking almost every day. I never meant to hurt you, I didn't mean to fall for her."

Sera took a step back in disbelief, "I don't want an explanation. I don't care that you fell for her. I'm done. What you did, no person should ever have to go though. You disgust me. How can you justify what you did, how badly you hurt me? I want absolutely nothing to do with you." How could he think that an explanation was going to make everything better?

"I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you."

"Well you did and nothing you say is going to make up for it."

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