6 | relief

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It was a few weeks after the confrontation with Spencer and Sera was finally feeling like herself

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It was a few weeks after the confrontation with Spencer and Sera was finally feeling like herself. She was back in therapy, taking her medication and took some time off work. She had decided to go visit her grandparents on their property in the country side. Ryan had decided to go with her, standing by his decision to be there for her through everything. She was able to clear her head, spend time with the people she cared about the most and figure out what she wanted from life.

As much as she loved working in the FBI, she was finally realising how much it impacted her mental health. She had been through a lot in the last few years and the job that she was doing at the FBI was just too much and impacted every aspect of her life. Therefore, a change was in order and she was pretty proud of her decision.

"Who was that on the phone?" Ryan asked as he passed her a cup of coffee before sitting down next to her.

Sera took a sip before looking at her boyfriend, "That was the Director of the FBI. I was telling him I got the job." She hadn't really told anyone her decision until everything came together and before she did, she wanted to inform the Director of the FBI as she was quitting.

"What job?" Ryan asked confused.

"I've quit the FBI." Sera informed him, she could see the shock on his face before she continued, "I have loved working at the FBI so much that I didn't realised how much it was affecting my mental health. The past couple of months have made me realise no matter how much I love my job, my mental health is more important. So I got in touch with an old friend and he offered me a job at the Academy to teach computer science. It's everything I love without the added stress. I was just telling the Director that I wasn't come back, effective immediately." It felt weird knowing that everything was but it was a huge relief, especially knowing that she could still do what she loved without having the added stress that came with the Bureau.

Ryan looked at her in awe, "Wait, really? You really did it?" He knew that she wanted a change, she had been talking about it for a weeks now but he didn't know that she had done more than planning and actually gone through with it. He couldn't have been more prouder of her though, as long as she was happy, nothing else mattered other than her mental health and happiness.

Sera nodded with a smile, "I did. I need the change. I can't keep doing this to myself. No matter how much I love working at the FBI, I need to take care of myself first. Besides, the only reason why I took the job was because I loved hacking and coding but now I get to teach that to new recruits. I'm happy with my decision." You could hear the joy in her as she talked about her decision.

"I'm so proud of you. I'm glad to hear you're putting yourself first." Ryan smiled as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. All her ever wanted was for her to be happy and it was cute to see the joy on her face as she talked about the new job and focusing on her mental health.

"I am and it's about time."

"You did what?!"

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"You did what?!"

It had been a while since Sera had talked to Emily and she wanted her best friend to know what was going on in her life and the decision that she had made. She had tried to keep Emily updated on what was going on in her life and the changes she was making but obviously things had gotten out of hand and it had been a while.

Sera laughed softly at her best friends reaction, "I quit. It's been a long time coming but I've finally decided to do it. I know, crazy, especially after everything I've been through but I'm happy. I get to teach what I love and my stress levels are going to be lower because I can focus on the things and people that I love. It's been a long time coming and I'm happy."

"I'm happy for you. I know things haven't been easy recently but you have gotten through on the other side. You survived and you're thriving. It's wonderful to see you so happy again. You are going to be an amazing teacher and the new recruits are going to be so lucky to have you. I'm so proud of you." Emily gushed. She was so proud of her best friend after everything she had been put through. She made a mental note to book a flight to Washington soon so she could see her best friend, it had been too long since they had seen each other in person.

Sera shook her head with a soft smile, "Thank you. It certainly has been a rollercoaster but I couldn't have done it without you all. I know I've been a pain, its not been easy helping me through this but you've all been amazing and I don't know where I would be without you all. I'm getting there and I have realised it's important that I think about myself and my health a little bit more." It had taken her a long time to admit that she needed help but she was glad she did. Now she was in therapy, taking medication and has a new job lined up.

"You know we'd do anything for you. You're family." Emily firmly replied.

"I know, thanks you. I wish you were here."

"Always bitch. Soon, I promise."

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