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When Sera had woken up that morning, she was on a mission

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When Sera had woken up that morning, she was on a mission. She was going to file for a restraining order from Spencer Reid. The last couple of days he had been turning up wherever she was, including where she had been teaching. She had gone to Hotch, politely asking him to keep a leash on him but clearly the message hadn't gone across. She was sick and tired of seeing his face. It was bad enough she saw it in her nightmares, now she was seeing him when she was awake. Something had to be done.

"You sure you want to do this?"

Ryan and Jack had come with her for moral support. They both knew why she wanted to do it but they didn't want her to rush into a decision because she was emotional. Honestly, it hadn't mattered that she was emotional, they were worried he would escalate and hurt her. They knew Reid was a fine agent but he had been spiralling the last couple of months and the last thing they wanted was for Sera to get hurt.

Sera sighed before nodding, "I'm done. I can't keep looking over my shoulder worried that he might do something. I just want this living nightmare to be over. He doesn't get to have a hold over my life. I want to put him behind me. I'm done." Reid was clearly spiralling and needed help. She was not about to be his scapegoat from whatever he was dealing with. His team hadn't been doing what needed to be done and she was getting quite frustrated with it all. He needed help and he needed it now.

Ryan pressed a kiss to the back of the hand he was holding, "No matter what happens, you know we'll be right her with you. You've done whatever needed to be done but you've continued to be let down by the people that were supposed to help you. They hoped it would just all go away if they kept you at arm's length but nothing has changed. I'm proud of you, for doing what you need. I know its not been an easy decision but you're not alone." He hated seeing how distressed she would be when he would pick her up or when she got home from work. Reid was an amazing agent but recently had been spiralling and Sera was taking the brunt of it and he wasn't about to let that continue. After a long talk with his father about wanting to kill Reid, his father had managed to talk him down and get him to understand that Sera needed him more.

"Ryan's right. You did what you could through the Bureau but they didn't listen, you can't wait for them to take action. I'm proud of you, taking matters into your own hands. Whatever you need from us, we'll be here, right here with you." Jack promised.

"Thank you, both of you. I don't know if I'd be able to do this without you."

"And you won't have to."

"Can we talk?"

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"Can we talk?"

It had been a few days since the restraining order had been granted. When Reid had first found out about it, he had been raging, confronting her after a lecture. Luckily campus police had been close and it had been dealt with. She had gotten a few phone calls expressing their support and concern for her, the biggest being Derek and Emily. The male had arrived at her house as soon as he had heard the news, both surprised and angry but expressed his support nonetheless. Emily was fuming when she had heard, wanting to get on a plane as soon as possible to kill Reid. It had taken some time but she had managed to talk her down the ledge. Others, such as JJ, couldn't believe the news. They didn't agree that Reid would do something like this.

"Nope. You can leave." The last thing Sera wanted was to talk to Aaron Hotchner. She used to look up to the man. He had been the biggest reason why she had decided to join the BAU. She had followed his career from his prosecutor days till he became the Team Leader of the BAU. His knowledge had always fascinated her and she loved to pick his brain during cases. However, during the whole ordeal with Reid, she had seen a side of him that she didn't like. He had favoured Reid and he had let it show. All she had wanted was for him to see her too but in his eyes, she wasn't as important.

Aaron sighed, "I'm sorry. I-."

"Nothing you say is going to change what happened. Leave me alone." Sera interrupted.

He stood in front of her, blocking her path, "I know that nothing I say is going to make up for how I treated you but I wanted to apologise. I should have been an impartial team leader, instead I put a team member a over another. I should have been there for both of you, I should have done better. I let you down as a team leader but more importantly, I let you down as a friend. I'm sorry."

"You're right. You did let me down. I needed my team leader and friend but you couldn't be either. I don't want you apology, I've moved on. Please leave me alone." She just wanted the conversation to be over. It had taken some time but she had come to terms with the fact that not everyone deserved to be in her life.

Aaron sighed, refusing to look at her face, "I will. I just wanted you to know that the way I treated you, had nothing to do with you. I know I was a shit friend. You had been there for me for so long as I can remember and I let you down. I'm so sorry."

"You know, sorry is just a word. It means nothing if your actions don't change."

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