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"You need a ride home?"

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"You need a ride home?"

After a week the case in Thailand had finally been solved. Sera loved her job but sometimes it really zapped all of her energy. On the plus side, Clara joined them after being away for a few years. The two had always been close so having her back after everything that had happened, had been a huge relief and it was nice to have someone that understood her without her saying much.

Sera yawned, "Yes please." Jack laughed as they walked to the car. They placed their stuff in the trunk and headed to her house which she shared with her boyfriend.

"How are you doing?" Jack spoke after a few minutes of silence.

Sera smiled softly, "Better. It took a while but I'm sleeping better, I'm able to talk about what happened and I'm doing things I've been wanting to do for a long time. I'm being more open and I don't care what anyone thinks." When she was with Spencer, she felt like she had to uphold a certain imagine. Be the smartest and wittiest person in the room. She felt like she was slowly losing herself but not anymore. She didn't have to play someone else to please someone else. She was going to be herself.

"I'm glad. You've come a long way. I'm proud of you, kiddo." Jack spoke fondly, "How are you and Ryan?" He cared about his son but Sera was like a daughter to him and the last thing he wanted was for either of them to get hurt.

"Do I have to?" Sera pouted. It was always a little awkward to talk about her relationship with Jack, especially now that she was dating his son.

Jack rolled his eyes, "Come on. I just want to know that you're happy."

"Fine. I am happy, I'm really happy. He's so sweet and understanding. He gets my wit and humour, hell he's almost as bad as I am. He encourages me to be myself and do what makes me happy. He always buys me food. How have I gone this long without him?" Sera gushed. Honestly, Ryan had been a dream man. She couldn't believe that he actually existed and wanted to be with her.

Jack laughed, "So all he had to do was buy you food?"

"Yep, I'm easy to please." She giggled.

The two continued to drive in silence before she had eventually fallen asleep. Jack had called Ryan to get him to come and get Sera as she didn't want to wake her up. Ryan was waiting for them hen Jack had pulled up to the house. He had helped bring in Sera's things and bid his goodbye while Ryan took her upstairs and placed her in the bed.

"Stay." Sera groggily spoke.

Ryan pressed a kiss to her head, "I'm not going anywhere, I was just going to switch off the light."


"So demanding."

"Can I help you?"

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"Can I help you?"

Sera had not expected for Maeve to show up at her house that morning. She hadn't seen the woman after everything that had happened, refusing to be around the woman that Spencer had cheated on her with or saved the life of. She, for the life of her, couldn't understand why Maeve was at her house.

"Can we talk?"

Sera didn't know what to say but she let her in. She was curious, wanted to know what Maeve wanted to say to her and why she would come to her off all people, after everything that she did to her. Sera made them both a cup of tea as they sat on the dinner table.

"Why are you here?" She questioned.

Maeve sighed, "I wanted to apologise."

"Let's get one thing straight, I don't want your apology, I don't want your excuses and I sure as hell don't want your pretences. Say why you're here and leave." Sera spoke firmly. She didn't want to spent any more time with the woman than necessary.

"He's changed. When we first started talking, he was sweet and smart but lately, he's been distant. All he talks about is you, your relationship and how much he misses you. He still loves you and I don't know what to do." Maeve explained.

Sera scoffed, "No offence but I really don't care. He made his bed and now he gets to lay in it. He destroyed our relationship and whatever friendship we had. I don't owe him anything, I sure as hell don't owe you anything. You have some pretty big balls for turning up here, knowing what he did to me." How dare she? How dare she turn up at her house and expect an explanation? Maeve had no right to come to the woman that almost died to save her life, especially because of a guy that clearly didn't know what he wanted.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know who else to go to." Maeve fired.

Sera rolled her eyes, "And why would you think it was a good idea to come to the woman whose life and relationship you destroyed?"

Maeve grabbed her head, "Please just help me."

"Get out." Sera yelled as she removed her hand from her grip.

"Just help me." Maeve screamed.

Ryan came running downstairs when he heard the yelling. He didn't care for who the woman was, he stood in front of Sera, "Leave." Sera gripped the back of his jumper, trying to calm her emotions. She could feel the tears building up in her eyes.

"I just want her help." Maeve spoke.

Ryan shook his head, "I don't care why you're here. Leave." After a moment of silence Maeve did leave but not before saying she wanted to make it right before it was too late.

Ryan turned around and held his girlfriend in his arms, "Are you okay?"

"I don't know. I don't know."

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