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"So what's going on with me, Doc?"

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"So what's going on with me, Doc?"

Sera had been feeling sick for the last few days but because of all the stress and previous health issues, she just thought it had been a stomach bug or a symptom that was stress related. However, Emily and Derek had pretty much scolded her when she had turned up to lunch looking like she had just thrown up. They sat with her as she made an appointment with the doctors, refusing to leave until it had been done. Ryan had then driven her to the appointment, waiting in the waiting room until she needed him.

"Well too keep a long story short, you're pregnant." The doctor replied with a smile.

Sera looked at the doctor in shock, trying to wrap her head around the information that had just been dumped on her. Due to previous health issues she had been told there was almost no chance she would ever get pregnant and had pretty much given up on the idea of every having children. She had been content with having nieces and nephews and maybe adopting or fostering with Ryan in the future. But here she was, being told that she was pregnant. That there was a fetus in her stomach, that she was carrying a child.

"I'm going to give you a minute to process the news while I get the ultrasound machine." The doctor spoke, brining her out of her thoughts.

Sera looked up at the doctor, "Can you get my boyfriend from the waiting room?" She wasn't sure she could stay on her feet if she got up from the bed. Her head feeling dizzy from trying to process the news but she wanted Ryan with her, he was the father after all. Ryan had pretty much charged into the room, looking at his girlfriend in distress. He had no idea what was going on as the doctor ushered him towards the room she was in.

"What happened? Are you okay? Why did the doctor come to get me?" Ryan asked rapidly.

Sera looked at her boyfriend with a soft smile, "I'm pregnant."

Ryan almost lost his footing as he took in the news, "You're pregnant? We're having a baby?" He was having trouble comprehending the news as he placed his hand on her stomach. They were having a baby? He had come to terms with them not having a biological baby and was ready to adopt or foster with Sera as long as they were a family but this, this was good news either way.

"We are. We're having a baby." Sera replied with a teary smile.

Ryan could feel the tears building up in his eyes, "I love you. I love you so much. I promise I will do whatever it takes to protect you both, nothing is ever going to hurt you. I will protect you." He was still trying to wrap his head around the news but he knew he would do anything to protect them both.

"I know you will, love." Sera smiled as she pressed a kiss to his cheek.

The doctor came back into the room with the machine and smiled at the couple, "Who's ready to see a baby?"

Ryan had agreed to take her to the Academy so she could get some paperwork and laptop as she would be working from home for a while

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Ryan had agreed to take her to the Academy so she could get some paperwork and laptop as she would be working from home for a while. They wanted to figure out their next steps and plans for the baby before they decided to tell anyone, for that Sera needed to be in a good headspace and that was best possible in the comfort of their home. They had both agreed they wanted to keep the baby but they needed a plan.

"Why did you do this to him?"

Sera looked up from her desk as she gathered her things to find JJ standing there. The young professor rolled her eyes as she looked at the woman, "What do you want JJ?" She knew it was only a matter of time before JJ came to confront her. She'd heard from Derek she wasn't happy about what had happened to Spencer, even though he had no one but himself to blame.

"He's been suspended pending an investigation because of you. You just couldn't leave him alone. I always knew you were bad for him. He deserved better than you." JJ spat.

Sera laughed as she looked at the blonde, "How long have you been in love with him?" She had known from the beginning that Spencer and JJ had something going on, neither would say anything about it though. JJ was clearly in love with him but wouldn't admit it to herself. Sera hated how close the pair was while she was with Reid as he would always take JJ's side and bail on their plans for her.

"What?" JJ spoke shocked.

Sera smirked, "Whatever is happening to Reid is his own fault. I don't owe either of you anything. He has done nothing but hurt me. I am sick and tired of you lot blaming it on me. He was a terrible boyfriend and an even worse friend. I want nothing to do with him or you for that matter. Leave me alone." She just wanted the Reid drama to be over with once and for all.

"You need to take back your restraining order, he's not dangerous. He didn't do anything to you. The Bureau could take away his job and it'll be your fault." JJ screamed.

"There is no way in hell I'll ever take the restraining order back. He tried to hurt me and you just want to cover that up? The Spencer that you knew is gone. I don't know who it is that you're still trying to protect but I am not going to stand by and let him hurt me. Whatever the outcome of the investigation, I'm sure it'll be the right choice and what he deserves." Sera spat.

"He doesn't deserve this."

"He deserves everything that is coming his way."

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