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"How are you holding up?"

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"How are you holding up?"

The past few days had been tough on the female agent. She had been having nightmares, started to work from home and pretty much stayed in her room. Ryan had stayed by her side, giving her what she needed, no questions asked. Her siblings had called to check up on her but she kept the conversation to a minimum, despite how much she appreciated their efforts.

Sera sighed, "I don't know anymore. I mean, it took me so long to be remotely okay after what had happened and then she turns up? She turns up demanding that I fix her relationship with a guy that almost got me killed. I mean, the audacity of that woman. I don't owe either of them shit." She was angry. It had taken her so long to wrap her head around what had happened, learn to live with it and find happiness again. But with a single conversation, all her progress came crumbling down.

Ryan moved to wrap his arms around her, "You have come too far to let either of them win. I know nothing I say is going to help you get through this, this is your fight but I'm here for whatever you need. You don't have to go through alone. You have family and friends that will stand with you no matter what. I am so proud of how far you have come, as both your friend and partner, and how strong you have become. I know, it sucks but you are not alone." He hated knowing she was still hurting. She had been through so much, why couldn't the universe give her a break?

"You know, even after going through hell, I wouldn't change it." She spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"What do you mean?" He asked her confused.

Sera moved so she could look at him, "I wouldn't have met you. Life has thrown so much my way but the last couple of months is the happiest I have ever been. With you, your family and my friends. I love you." After everything she had been through, for some reason being with Ryan had been the happiest she had ever been. He understood her in ways that no one ever had and gave her exactly what she needed.

Ryan smiled before pressing a soft kiss to her lips, "I love you too. You know when we first met I didn't expect you to become so important to me, in fact, I just wanted to do everything I could to create a name for myself in the Bureau but then I laid eyes on you and I was done for. Being with you is the happiest I have been too and I'll be damned if I let anyone take you away from me. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere, I promise." He was never one to make such a life changing promise but the woman in front of him was everything to him and he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.

"You won't leave me?"

"The thought has never crossed my mind nor will it ever."

"You ready to go home?"

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"You ready to go home?"

Sera sighed tiredly as she gathered her things. The last case had wiped her out and she wanted nothing more than to sleep the rest of the week. Coincidentally Ryan had also finished a case and told her they could drive home together. It had taken her a few minutes to gather all her things but as she did, she did not expect a voice to yell at her.

"What did you do to her?"

Sera turned around to find Spencer there, seething in anger but she had no idea why. Ryan had taken a step closer to her, worried for her safety and mental health.

"What are you talking about?" Sera asked confused.

Spencer scoffed, "Because of you Maeve broke up with me. She said I wanted you which is the furthest from the truth. I don't want you. I have no idea why she would think I would. You have to talk to her, its your fault that she left me. You have to make it right."

Sera looked at him in disbelief, "You're seriously blaming me? I honestly don't care what is going on between the two of you. You made your bed, lay in it. I don't owe you shit. You have made it very clear that you want nothing to do with me, the feeling is mutual. I hate you, Spencer. Whatever hole you dug yourself, only you can pull yourself out of it because I'm done." She could not believe the audacity of the man. How dare he blame her for something that had nothing to do with her? He made his bed, he had no choice but to lie in it.

"This is the woman you want to be with?" Spencer scoffed as he looked at Ryan.

Ryan shook his head, "You don't get to make a judgement of her character. You were supposed to be her friend, her partner, instead you turned your back on her. You became her worst nightmare. You were supposed to be there for her, instead you almost got her killed. You have no right to come her and demand her to fix your relationship when you shattered the one you had with her. You're a coward, Reid. Leave now." He was not about to let him harass his girlfriend, not after everything he had put her through.

"This is her fault. She needs to fix it." Spencer screamed.

Ryan stood in front of Sera. He could feel her grabbing his shirt, bringing a sense of comfort to the both of them. Ryan glared at him, "She doesn't have to do anything. You did this and you have no one but yourself to blame. Stay away from her or you will regret it."

"Is that a threat?"

"No, its a promise."

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