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"Why didn't you tell me?"

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"Why didn't you tell me?"

It had been a few days since she had started her new job teaching. During that time, she had said goodbye to her friends, the same friends that threw a huge party. They had all been sad to see that she was leaving but understood why she had to. She had been through a lot in a short space of time and just needed some time to focus on herself.

"I didn't really tell anyone, other than Ryan of course. I didn't know what I wanted but when the opportunity came up, I knew I couldn't just turn it down." Sera explained. She had promised Jack and his wife that she would be over more often as they had been very worried about her. In the time she had been with Ryan, his parents had become like her own, hence why she was sat eating breakfast with Jack while his wife got the kids ready for school.

Jack nodded, "You know all I want is for you to be happy. I know it's been a lot but I'm proud you. You're putting yourself first and doing something that you love. I know it wasn't an easy decision to come by but I like seeing you happy." Sera had always been like a daughter to him so seeing her enjoying her new job, going to therapy and spending time with the people she cared about, he couldn't have been more proud.

"Thank you. You have no idea how nice it is to hear someone say that." Sera blushed as she went to hide her face using her mug of tea.

"I mean, you've been through a lot. I'm proud to see how far you've come. How is your relationship with Ryan?" Jack asked as he took a sip of his coffee. He knew it was awkward for her to talk about the relationship but he cared about them both and just wanted to know if they were okay.

Sera sighed, "I sometimes hate how patient he is. He's always there for me, knows what to say and do when I'm having a bad day. He's amazing. Sometimes I feel like I'm a burden to him, no matter how much he reassures me that I'm not. I know I've gotten better at communicating my feelings and what I need but he knows me so well I'm scared of what I'll do if he decides to leave me." Ryan had been everything anyone could ask for in a relationship. He had been patient, sweet, caring and understanding. He was there in the darkest days. She was scared that one day he would think it was all too much.

"Never. You mean too much to him. Ryan is a man of few words but he always talks so fondly of you. He absolutely adores you. Being with you is the happiest we have all seen him in a long time. His last girlfriend wasn't the nicest but being with you, we have all seen him heal and he's so much happier. Thank you for loving my son." Jack spoke softly.

"Thank you for trusting me with him. I love him."

"And he loves you too. Trust me."

It had been a long day of teaching but Sera couldn't be happier

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It had been a long day of teaching but Sera couldn't be happier. The moment she stood at the front of the class, she was in her element. The words and terminology just came to her. The whole class engaged, they made jokes but everyone loved the class and they couldn't wait for the next class. She slowly gathered her things, preparing for the next lesson as she waited for Ryan to pick her up. It had been a slow day at the office so he had asked her to lunch and she couldn't refuse.

"I see you're comfortable here."

Sera looked up to see Spencer walking down the stairs towards her. She hadn't seen him since he had blown up on her at the FBI office. She had done everything she could to not run into him but she had not expected him to seek her out at her new job.

"What are you doing here?" She asked confused.

Spencer scoffed, "You turned my life upside down and you thought I was just going to let you walk away. She left me because of you. This is your fault." When Maeve had broken up with him, he had spiralled and blamed everyone but himself. He didn't think Maeve would ever leave him, especially considering how long they had been together. She was his everything. He blamed Sera for taking her away. Maeve had told him about the conversation they had had and he knew she had something to do with Maeve leaving him.

"I didn't do anything. I made it very clear that I wanted nothing to do with you. I had nothing to do with her leaving you. I have nothing to do with your relationship. Leave me alone." Sera replied as she continued to gather her things. Her anxiety was slowly rising but she was breathing through it slowly. She was not going to let him continue to have a hold on her, she was over him telling her what to do.

He glared at her, "Why won't you leave me alone? I thought I made it clear that I wanted nothing to do with you. You mean nothing to me anymore."

"Exactly how I feel. You didn't just make it clear that you wanted nothing to do with me anymore, you almost got me killed. I want nothing to do with you anymore either, I have also made that clear. I'm done being your punchbag. Get out!" She screamed at him. Spencer looked at her shocked, he had not expected her to react like that but he did as she screamed.

Sera took a deep breathe as he finally left. She sat at her desk trying to catch her breath.

"You did it. I'm proud of you. That took a lot of guts and you did it." Ryan spoke as he walked towards her.

"I can't believe I did that."

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