chapter two(short again

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Layla couldn't stop thinking about angor rot,And Claire could sense that Layla had somebody or something on her mind so she asked"so what happened in there " "nothing he kept following me so shut up and I have to go out again for vendal so bye " layla replied "bye"

Layla was searching for things for vendal it had been hours since she left and it's already day time but she's next to the sewers and troll market is far away so she decides to go in the sewers not thinking about angor rot but then she meets him again "you again" angor said "yes me again its day time out and I have to hide here until it's night so I can go to troll market " "I could help darling" angor said walking closer

"Didn't I say to stop calling me darling and how would you help me get to troll market" Layla asked "I can use my staff to teleport you under the bridge so you can use the horngazel to get in" "i think i would rather wait creep " angor rolled his eyes and started to walk away "where are you going it's day time outside you cant go in sunlight" "you really are dumb aren't you" angor said " hey! I'm not dumb if anything your dumb" "I gotta go to strickler" angor said "anyways what's your name" "angor rot"

237 words

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