"what did you do.. " PT 1

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They just got done with the uh thingy the mission font for: layla oh well also tw? Talking about being Dr*gged like someone put Dr*gs in something somebody else ate or something like that and the person that ate it didn't know oh and one more thing I don't know how trolls have babies so I'm just gonna say they have them like humans do and and they take care of them like we do

"Do y'all see that? " "see what?" Blinky asked "that" Layla pointed at something that seemed to be a person or a troll stalking them "no? Ther-" Claire and Toby replied but was cut off by Jim " I saw it too Layla " "ima go check it out" "alone? " Toby asked "yes." "What? No you ain't going alone and I'm the troll hunter so I need to check it out" "why can't I go alone? Is it because I'm a female? " "wait what no" "good than I'm going alone. Or your sexist"

Time skip only for a few minutes tho Jim and the others besides layla ofc are in trollmarket font for Jim

"Sexist to a troll how the fuck does that work " "Jim it doesn't matter what they are it's the gender you idiot even Toby knows that "Claire replied " yea but she doesn't need to go off alone especially sinc-" "since what? " layla asked "wait wha when did you get here? " Toby asked "but since what Jim? " "nothing" "I didn't find nothing besides this small gray thing it looks like a small chunk of something" "give it to vandel he will know what it is or to Blinky" Claire said.

Time skip again 😭 but Angor is like living with layla in trollmarket since nobody knows he's there and in this part there's only layla and her crusty bf but their whispering well their the only ones talking until crusty man says "he's waking up"

"Angor? "
"He's sleeping" laylas crusty musty dusty ugly boyfriend said
"Him sleeping while your here? Nah i dont believe you"
"I uh"
" "I uh" you what."
"I sorta uh drugged him?"
"You what! You can't just drug random trolls "
"He was getting on my nerves "
"Ok and? Doesn't mean you drug em!"
"He was going to kill me!"
"Why? What did you say"
"What kind of stuff"
" just forget it he's waking up"
"Layla "
"Hm? "
"Could you fix my staff "
"Mhm yea sure I need to get some stuff so i gotta go bye"

Time skip Again for uh 30 minutes and angor and crusty man(laylas bf) are talking in this part

"Why is your name angor what kind of name is angor" " your annoying so shut up" "no I'm not I was just asking a question" " I don't care your still annoying do you not know what shut up means are you really that stupid " "why are you so mean I didnt do anything at least I don't got mommy issues and at least my mom loved Me and was there or m-" (THAN BOOM she got hit by a big ass truck 🤩) layla walked in right when angor threw his knife at crusty man (well few seconds after but yk) "I'm back angor.. " (uh when she said angor like angors name faded into silence) "what did you do!? Why the fuck would you do that!" Almost every troll heard her yelling so they went to investigate since she left the door open everyone could see angor they was scared eventually someone went to go get vendal layla was still crying she didn't care what happened to angor "guards!get him" vendal yelled angor was then taken away angor didn't even notice he was being taken away he was just staring into space

Uh I need ideas for next chapter like a pt 2 of this chapter 680 words in all

(Updated) bro I was so tired when I wrote this😭 I wanna rewrite this part but also don't want to also this chapter is stupid idk why I made this like I did

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