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"Should we just leave them.? " Jim asked blinky "master Jim you know we can't, vendal will be angry" "you are right " angor left to get some stuff for layla wound "layla! " Jim
whispering but also yelling you get it)  "Jim?! What are you doing here" "I'm here to save you but why did y'all kiss" Jim asked her "yea dude you kissed our enemy"  Toby said " hey! I didn't kiss him! He kissed me! I kept asking him about his uh ring that has his soul" "so he kissed you to shut you up" Claire asked "yes idiot but he just went out to get stuff for my wound so after he helps me I can leave" "I don't think he's gonna let you leave bc you know where his hideout is we all do but he doesn't know me blinky and the others know " Jim said "shit! Your right well at night when he's sleeping I can sneak out" " layla I don't think he sleeps- mean like look at him"

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