if Layla and angor was humans short

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This is not part of the story just a little special part they will not act like how they act in the story and angor will not act like he does in the show

Their laying on the ground looking up at the sky it's night time plus their teenagers angors 17 Layla's 16 trolls do not exist therefore there's no trollhunter and angor rot,Layla,Jim,Claire,and toby are all friends so their a friend group and angor rot is just a nickname cause a human being named angor rot is just stupid 😭😭

"I love shooting stars I wish there was one rn"  "maybe there will be one" "I hope" "you don't actually believe that wishes come true do you ". "yea why? your too good to believe in stuff like that? " "loser" "says the one that believed dinosaurs use to walk the earth" "because they did there's literally proof" "mhm sure" "look a shooting star" "really where!". "dumbass" he said laughing "I hate you can we go to your house" "why not your house" "cause I didn't think about my house plus I forgot my parents wasnt home" "then let's go to your house "

"I should invite them " "invite who" "Jim toby and Claire idiot who else you ain't got no other friends" "yes I do " "sure you do " "why do you even wanna invite anyways why can't it just be us" "so when my parents get home they don't think we did stuff " "ew" "ew what" " ew you"

I ain't got no other ideas I'm writing next chapter I think it's chapter 15 or 16 but I'm writing it once I find an idea 283 word in all

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