chr 13

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some of yall might need to go back and read the last chapter also ' ' means what their thinking so look to see if its ' ' or " " TW;bodyshaming this is the ONLY chapter that will have bodyshaming in it but its only a little bit

'its been a few days since angor escaped' "layla so um do you think angor rot is working for morgana again" jim asked "no why?" "i think he is"toby came in saying

"hes dead" "good how did you do it" "what.?" "How did tou kill him" "does that matter?" " Was just asking now next target is the trollhunter if you fail I'll destroy your soul " "the trollhunter?""yesyes the trollhunter you know where he lives right? When he's sleeping kill him you shouldn't fail this time if you do..." "if i do then what" "you'll see" "dont touch layla" "oh I wont"

"well im going home toby tomorrow we'll get burritos" "kk jim tomorrow i hope we kick some butt"toby replied with few minutes has passed "mom! im home!" 'no answer she must be working late again'jim was going to his room before he a noise he checked his moms room,his room,basement,everywhere but there wasnt anybody or any animal 'just my mind playing tricks on me' as soon as he laid down he fell alseep but he was also still awake like he was sleeping while being awake{doesnt make no sense bro} angor rot was standing over him about to kill him but he didnt know jim had his armor on and his sword so as soon as angor tried to stab him he was cut off by jim hitting his knife with his sword after a few minutes passed angor rot heard a car pulling up so he made a portal and disappeared 'so he is working for her again i knew it!' jim thought to his self

"You failed didn't you." "he would be dead if his mother didnt pull up" "I'm not gonna destroy your soul but If you don't kill your next target I will" "who is it" "its a girl she done some bad things  " "ok?didnt ask for the gender who is it" "layla" " i aint killing her" "her father was a former trollhunter he killed your fath- " "i know but still im not killing her"  "dont you rem how your father begged him for mercy if you kill laylayou'll get wanting to kill her father off your chest do you really wanna have that terrible memory for the rest of your life and i'll destroy your not fail me  again angor rot!" [she only yelled when she was saying the last part after the dots] "...ofc morgana"

"layla!" "hm?" "angor tried to kill me hes working for her again" "are you sure hes working for her" "yes.he gotten his soul back so he has to be working for her again" 'you fucking liar.' "hey you okay?" "yea just thinking lets go tell the others jim" "tell the others what"toby asked with blinky,claire and argggg behind him "angors working for morgana again" "that creep is working for that b- woman again?"claire said not wanting to get in trouble by blinky for cussing "yes.."

"Angor? I stole this potion that'll turn you human for a day only take 5 drops each day take 5 rn so you can go ahead and go "

ima explain her plan angor turns into a human by that potion angor gets close to jim and jim'll take angor to trollmarket to meet everyone but they wont know its angor once he gained jims trust he gets close to layla and stuff now back to the story

once angor turned into a human morgana just stared at him "stop staring its weird" "i wasn't staring" "mhm does my clothes look good" "yeah you look good now go "

setting:the school school just begun also angors human form looks like hes 16-17

"today we have a new student whats your name" "uh asher" "alright asher sit down by jim jim raise your hand"jim raised his hand and angor sat down by him


"jim you should ask that dude to hang"toby said "alright" jim walked over to angor rot "hey um do you wanna hangout my friend said you looked cool and asked meto ask you if you wanted to hang out" "yea sure" "whats your name again" "asher" "im jim thats toby and thats claire" "mhm" jim heard people laughing and saying "what kind of name is asher " and they also said "why does he have scars too i dont even understand that the girls find him hot mean like his ugly" "ash can i call you ash?"toby asked "yea" "well you know that group is talking shit abt you" "yea but i dont care" "hey asher"one of the boys from the group said angor/asher stood up and turned around and faced the boy "what" "i feel bad for your moth-"he was cut off by angor punching him hard as fuck "what do you not have one"he said after he got back up "just leave him alone" toby said to the boy "shut up fatass i feel bad for your grandmother t-"he was cut off again by angor punching him again and this time he didnt stop the teachers came and broke up the fight "god damn jim you should let him join our little th group"claire said [th stands for trollhunter they only use th when their around people] "toby you ok?" jim asked "yea im fine"

its night time rn
"asher do you know that trolls existed"jim asked "yea' jim and claire looked at eachother confused " i know your a trollhunter my dads a changeling" 'he could be lying but it doesnt seem like it' jim thought to his self even tho he was lying claire and toby didnt know and jim was confused "so uh do you wanna go to trollmarket"toby asked "fuck yea" "do you know what it looks like" claire asked "no i just hear my dad talk about it"

at trollmarket layla meeting 'asher' "you remind me of someone" "who" layla looked at jim and he looked back at her "a prisoner that escaped" "how do i remind you of them?" "i dont know i guess the scars and the look in your eye" 'shit shes so close' "do you collect stuff?" "yea "

few days has passed and layla and 'asher' gotten very close only problem is that he fell for layla even more
layla walked in on angor opening the potion to drink some but he was in his troll form "angor...?" she started walking backwards to the door" layla dont run" she started running but angor opened a portal and got infront of her and covered her mouth "im sorry.." he stabbed her with his knife {just like that one ep where he stabbed aaarrrgghh and he turned to stone} he than opened a portal to where morgana is and it closed as soon as layla was fully turned to stone "morgana shes dead" "good"

the others came to see layla "its angors knife.." claire said

1250 words in all also let me know if i made any spelling mistakes
IM SORRY THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE PUBLISHED EARLIER TODAY😭😭 also ideas for next chapter mean after I bring Layla back to life

Update:If I could I would destroy this god damn chapter I don't know what the fuck was going on in my head for me to write this 1281 words in All

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