Judgy Diluc

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I must say I'm loving your comments on my recent chapters yelling at Kaeya and Albedo for being oblivious bitches. Keep them coming.

Also this starts taking place the same night as albedo being dropped back home just so there's no confusion.
"Right Venti let's get you home." Diluc said and got back into the car.

"Luc do you know that guy?" Venti asked, words slurred.

"I do. He happens to be my brother." He explained.

Venti made an O shape with his mouth.

The rest of the car ride was silent. Diluc still processing the fact he'd seen his brother after all this time. It was weird. But he was obviously happy and so was he so.

They arrived at Venti and Xiao's apartment. Diluc stayed there a lot but didn't love there. He would love to but his family home is something he just couldn't live behind, and asking Xiao and Venti to move out and join him felt to rude.

"Thank you for driving him since I couldn't." Xiao said and helped Venti into bed.

"It's obviously no problem." Diluc replied .

Xiao leaned down and pressed a kiss to Venti's forehead before going into the kitchen.

"I gotta say I was a little worried when I heard they were going out with Albedo." They said and sipped their tea.

" How so? " Diluc asked.

"Well the last time he got drunk, albedo ended up having a kid with his best friend at the time. I mean you know how Venti can be with a drink. What if albedo got drunk and did something with venti?" 

Diluc was shocked. He got drunk and had a kid with his best friend?! Now that's just irresponsible. Why would you even keep it? Did Kaeya know about that? If Kaeya did, did he forget or did he not care? Was his taste really that bad?

He decided he 'd call him in the morning.

It was just as albedo had been served pancakes that he got a call.

"Hello Diluc." Kaeya said.

" Kaeya do you know about Albedo's kid? " Diluc asked.

"Well hello Kaeya how are you? ," Kaeya imitated before continuing, " and of course I know klee. "

"No what I mean is so you know why she was born?"

"That's a little weird to ask but yes I do, what's it to you?"

"So you willingly hang out and have a crush on someone that irresponsible?" Diluc asked, angry.

" Albedo is not irresponsible. "

"Kaeya  he fucked his best friend and had a kid with her how is that responsible? Your taste in men is terrible. This is the Childe situation all over again." Diluc shook his head.

" how dare you bring that shit show of a human into this! Childe and Albedo are nothing alike. Besides I was 20 back then. I'm 27 right now. I think I know who I can and can't be friends with. "

"I'm just saying you shouldn't be friends with someone who has Xiao worried to let Venti meet up with him because of the whole fiasco."

Kaeya stopped.

"Xiao said that?"

" Yes. "

"Fuck you all you pieces of shit! I hope you die!" Kaeya said and hung up.

He saw albedo enter out of the corner of his eye. They had a confused look on his face.

" is everything alright knight? " Albedo asked.

Kaeya shook his head and took a seat.

"I have to tell you what my brother just said. You won't like it."

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