Sucrose Knows

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"Thank you for dropping me off at work Prince. Should I come over to yours again tonight?" Kaeya asked and moved a piece of Albedo's hair behind his ear.

"If you would like to I don't see the problem. We can order take out food and watch that tv show we've been meaning to try." Albedo said with a smile.

"I can even pick up the food on my way if you want. Just text me what you want and U'll get it."

"Thank you Kaeya. You're the best."

Albedo leaned in to give the other a kiss on the cheek but was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Daddy!" Klee shouted and hugged him.

"Oh Klee hello princess." They said and picked up his daughter.

"Albedo, I didn't think you'd be here." Sucrose said and gave him a smile.

"Oh yes I was just dropping Kaeya off at work. He stayed at mine last night."

"Aww I missed out on a Mr Kaeya sleepover." Klee said and pouted.

"Well we can always have one some other time." Kaeya said.

Albedo put down Klee down and got their things to leave.

"Can I talk to you quickly Albedo?" Sucrose asked.

"Oh of course." They said and moved towards the corner of the room.

"So, new boyfriend huh?" She said.

"What? How did you know?" Albedo asked shocked.

"Albedo, come on, you were about to kiss when I walked in." she said.

"Ok yes I have a boyfriend. Are you worried about it or something? I promise he's great with Klee." they said.

"No I'm not worried. I just wanted to congratulate y0ou. You seem really happy. You deserve to be."

"Oh well thank you. I wasn't sure if you'd react well to it."

"Albedo we've been friends for years now, you were the first person I came out to and I was one of the first people you came out to. Why would I not support you?" She said.

"I guess." Albedo replied.

"Now I have to get to work. I'll see you later. "She said.

"Yeah I'll see you later."

Albedo smiled and headed off to work, glad to still be on good terms with Sucrose.


A little short but I needed a bit of a segue for my next chapter so.

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