Chapter Twenty: To say Goodbye

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This is it you guys, I hope you like it! XOXO Nicole


"Mrs. Welds," I spoke even though my body was still shaking even though Tyler had left, but no matter what I thought of him, I knew that in our last moments together I could ask for nothing more from him and not have been so thankful for it. "I need to talk to you about graduating early. It was brought to my attention that I have everything I need anyways, so why stay?" I was getting straight to business and after having spoken; I realized that I might have been more over my head than I thought.

Mrs. Welds stared at me for a long time before sighing heavily and reaching behind her. "These are you class manuscripts," she said as she placed two large binders on her desk. "Let's find yours and then I'll see what I can do,"

I set my elbows on the edge of her desk and placed my hand close to my breast, filling a cool metal there, and as I glanced down, tears filled my eyes again. The two rings Jaxon had given me were on a thin silver chain and still secure above the swells of my breast. I sniffled as I looked up at Mrs. Welds and then I stood.

"I'll be back," I said quickly, before running out of the room after Tyler. I called his name as I ran into the foyer. His was to me and I called again. "Tyler, I need you to take this too." I yelled and he stopped and turned to face me, his face solemn and tired.

"I can't believe that I have to be the one baring bad news to my brother, about his girl, again." He said to me and I stiffened. My fingers were shaking and I couldn't look at him. "He's got some really bad luck."

After a still moment I lifted my numb hands and with shaking fingers I undid the clasp holding my necklace in place. When I pulled the necklace off, I took the class ring and the silver one off the chain carefully and let them lay in my hand for a moment. "I can't," I whispered as I stared between the two and a tear fell down my face.

"It's okay," Tyler said as he carefully took bother rings from me. I watched as he clenched them in his fists and gave me a grim smile. "I've got them, now,"

He turned to walk away but I grabbed his shoulder. "I want the one with the crosses," I said simply and he turned back to stare at me. "Tyler..." I whispered. "I don't want to forget him," Tyler nodded and pulled out the rings. They sat in his hand and for a second, all I could do was, stare at them. "I love him," I said as I glanced up at Tyler, the identical twin to Jaxon, the closest I'd ever be to say those words to Jaxon.

"He loves you too," Tyler said back to me as I clenched the ring in my fist.

"I know he does, and that's what hurts the most," I whispered as I turned to walk away, and placed Jaxon's ring on my left hand, and ring finger. I held my hand to my chest as I walked back to the office and into the counselor's office. "I'm dropping out of high school," I said as I sat down in front of her.

I raised my chin high as she looked at me, and I took in a deep breath. I was sure of my answer.

"You have all your credits," She said quickly. "You can get your diploma early, rather than dropping, but it would give you option to not come back if that's what you're looking for."

Leaning forward, I took a pen and sticky note from her desk and wrote my number and future address. "This is where I'll be, just mail it to me. I don't want a ceremony, and I don't want anyone to know I'm leaving. I'm eighteen..." I hesitated. What was today...the fifth already? "Today actually," I sighed. "I'm leaving the country and you can't and will not tell my parents because I'm a legal adult and it's a law for what we stay to be between us."

"Avalon, I'm not sure this is the best answer after what's happened to you recently. I was told this morning that your mother was looking for you, that it was an emergency." Mrs. Welds said and she reached for the phone on her desk. "You're on suicide watch, Avalon; you should stay in the vicinity of a proper adult."

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