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Adam knocks on the triangular front door while Teela, Glimmer, Catra, Bow, and Adora stand behind him.

He turns to everyone.

ADAM: So my family can be a bit...intense, so try not to say or do anything embarrassi-

Adam is lifted from behind by a woman in her mid-40s, with long red hair and green eyes in a green and black dress. This is his mother, MARLENA. She squeezes Adam so tight you can hear his bones cracking.

MARLENA: I was starting to think you wouldn't show up...again!

Teela smiles, she knew this was gonna happen.

Adam blushes in embarrassment, laughing nervously.

ADAM: Mom...you can put me down now...

Marlena puts Adam back on his feet, turning to Teela with a cold expression.

MARLENA: Captain...

Teela stares at Marlena with a similar expression, staring daggers at the woman in front of her.

TEELA: Captain...

The staring continues for a moment, until the two clasp hands, grinning. Marlena warmly embraces Teela.

MARLENA: Good to see you, kid.

She looks behind Teela at Adora, Bow, Catra, and Glimmer. She smiles.

MARLENA: So, these are those friends you told me about?

ADAM: Well, they're not my friends...

TEELA: They're mine, actually.

Teela puts her arm around Adora.

TEELA: Adora and I, we're thick as thieves! Isn't that right, Adora!?

Adora doesn't respond or even react to Teela. She's transfixed on the woman in front of her, the woman from her dreams.


No response.

Marlena snaps her fingers in front of Adora.


Adora snaps back to reality, everyone is staring at her.

MARLENA: Do...you want to come inside?

Adora nods nervously.


Adam stands over a sink, washing dishes and grumbling.

ADAM: How did I wind up on kitchen duty.

He looks to-


Adora, Catra, Glimmer, and Bow sit on a couch across from Marlena. Teela sits in another chair next to Marlena. Adora still has a blank expression on her face, but her eyes wander to portraits on the wall

Marlena looks at Teela, holding a glass in her hand with some expensive drink.

MARLENA: So, how did you guys meet?

GLIMMER: It's a very long story...

BOW: A really long story...

CATRA: She tried to jump Adora.

TEELA: Well I was sent to watch their ship.

Marlena's eyes widen.

MARLENA: You...you mean an Old Eternian ship that actually flies?

BOW: Uh...yeah?

Marlena squeals excitedly, leaning forward in her seat and staring at Adora, eyes twinkling with a sort of childlike wonder.

MARLENA: Is it here!? Follow-up question, can I fly it!?

Adora leans back, still processing what the hell is happening.


Before Adora can respond, Adam calls from the kitchen.

ADAM: Hey Mom, where'd you move the gloves?

Marlena looks to the kitchen, and to Adam.


ADAM: The gloves, where are they? Something's...something's burning.

MARLENA: Crap...

Marlena stands up from her chair, putting down her drink. She enters-


The oven is smoking as Marlena walks in, and Adam searches through drawers.

MARLENA: Did you check that one?

ADAM: Yes, I checked them all, who moved the gloves?

Marlena sighs in frustration.

MARLENA: Randor...Screw it, I'll do it myself

Marlena removes the glove from her right hand and rolls up her sleeve, revealing a prosthetic arm.

ADAM: Wait you're not supposed to-

She opens the oven and pulls out the food tray with her metal hand. She drops it on the counter, the food is slightly singed but okay!

MARLENA: See? We don't need a glove.

Adam sighs in frustration as Marlena returns to-


Bow and Glimmer catch a glance at Marlena's prosthetic, and Marlena catches on. She raises her arm, flexing.

MARLENA: Oh, this old thing?

She taps the metal arm, which rings a bit.

MARLENA: Lost the original in a dogfight. The last thing you ever wanna do is fight the Horde in the air, that was a lesson I learned the hard way...

Marlena looks down at her metal hand, recalling the agonizing horrors and pain she experienced.

MARLENA: I was one of the lucky ones that day...

She quickly snaps back, her cheery demeanor returning. She puts her glove back on and presses her hands together.

MARLENA: But that was a long time ago! But really I wanna hear more about your adventures, Adora!

Marlena returns to her seat and leans forward when they hear the door open, and footsteps as someone enters the house. It's a taller man in his late 40s with light brown hair, blue eyes, and a well-trimmed beard, this is RANDOR. Duncan follows close behind.

DUNCAN: Sorry we're late!

Teela waves to Duncan from the couch.

TEELA: Hey, Dad!

Duncan glances at his daughter, smiling. It's been weeks since they last saw each other in person.

DUNCAN: When did you get in!?

TEELA: Earlier today, actually.

Randor glances briefly at Adora, in that instant they both recognize something about each other: They have the same eyes!

Randor quickly returns his attention to the rest of his guests, almost oblivious to it all. He smiles and chuckles a bit.

RANDOR: Had I known there'd be this many of you, we would've brought more drinks!

Duncan then walks over to Adora.

DUNCAN: And you must be the one Teela was sent to watch. I hope my daughter didn't give you all too much trouble.

Duncan shakes Adora's hand, but she doesn't respond or react. Her attention is still on Randor.

DUNCAN: Are you feeling alright?

Catra watches Adora during this interaction as she begins to sweat, and looks at Randor, she notices too.

She stands up, holding Adora's hand.

CATRA: We need to go to the bathroom!

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