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Five years. That's how long me and Oliver have been stranded on this island-Lian Yu. We've had friends and lost them, some we lost again. Oliver and I have found a way to stick together through all of this somehow. Someway, we were still together. As friends. Those words hit me hard as I thought them. Right now, we were racing through the woods. A ship blared in the distance. We both rushed to our spot. Each of us lit an arrow, just like he had once taught us, and fired on a hut. The ship immediately turned back and turned around towards us. We were finally getting home.

"Oliver, we did it." My voice was raspy. "We're going home." We embraced tightly. I enjoyed more than


The men on the ship gave us a hot meal and water and a phone to call home. The man handed the phone to me, but I gave it to Oliver. I had no family left. My mom was gone like the wind. My dad was dead. No siblings. The only family I have are the Queen's. All of them except for Oliver have thought I was dead for the last five years.

"Hello?" I heard Moira answer the phone on the other end. Oliver let a tear fall from his face. "Hello?" She asked again.

"Mom." He finally spoke. "Mom, it's- it's Oliver."

"My son has been dead for five years." Her voice quivered. "Please don't call here again."

"Please, listen to the sound of my voice, the sound of our voices. We are alive. We are alive, mom. We survived and we're coming home. We're both coming home."

"Amy, Oliver. It's really you." She said in realization.


"We're really going to do this, aren't we?" I asked Oliver as we both stared out the window of our hospital room. The only belongings we had were the clothes on our back along with a case with bows and arrows and a journal we had found on Robert's cold, dead, body. We had come back, not just to go home to our family, but also to right the wrongs and the people that had failed this city.

"We are."

"Oliver, Amy." I heard Moira's voice behind us. We both turned around to face her.

"Mom." Moira walked up to him and slowly hugged him.

"Moira." She did the same with me.


"Your rooms are exactly as you left them." Yep, crushing on Oliver and living with him. What a great combination? "I never had a heart to change a thing."

"Oliver, Amy." We were greeted by Walter. Walter was another stockholder and also Robert's best friend. "It's damn good to see you." Oliver gave him the death glare. I think he was thinking the same thing I was; what was he doing at the Queen's house after Robert's death. "It's Walter. Walter Steele."

"You remember Walter. Robert's friend from the company." Moira encouraged us. I reached out my hand to Walter who immediately shook it.

"It's good to see you again Walter." I said, trying to break the awkward silence between him and Oliver.

"It's good to see you Raisa." Oliver said to their maid. Raisa was a nice old woman who was so helpful and so kind to everyone.

"Welcome home, Mr. Oliver, Ms. Moore." She greeted us. She turned to Moira. "Mr. Merlyn phoned. He wants to join you for dinner."

"Wonderful." Me and Oliver both look at the top of the stairs. Thea walked down the stairs almost elegantly. It had been five years since I last saw her. She was 12 going on 13.

"Hey sis." Oliver greeted the girl, well woman.

"Thea." I greeted. She picked up her pace down the stairs.

Chasing Life-Oliver QueenWhere stories live. Discover now