Honor Thy Father...

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"On your left Oliver!" I said through the comms as Oliver continued to fight.

"Got it." He responded quickly. I watched him fight over the cameras. It was like a work of art.

"Now just do what you do." I said awkwardly. My comms were still on so I simply mouthed 'oh my god' in embarrassment.


The next morning, Oliver and I walked into the living room of the Queen mansion, hand in hand.

"Over the past 15 years, Mr. Redman has withdrawn more than 30 million dollars from the Plan's account. Mr. Redman claims refunding the Halcyon Pension Plan has always been his intent. But sources say Redman was coerced by the vigilante."

Oliver pointed at the TV comically. "This guy gets more airtime than the Kardashians!"

"Five years on that island and you still know who they are." Thea rolled her eyes at her older brother.

"Me and Amy have been catching up, it's nice to see how much our culture improved while we were away." Oliver smiled.

"But the city used to be different." Moira added. "People used to feel safe."

"Aw, what's the matter, mom? Afraid we're gonna be next?" Thea asked her sarcastically.

"Do you have any questions about today, Oliver, Amy?" Walter asked us. "It's simple proof of life declaration. You just read out a brief, prepared statement to the judge and then your death in absentia judgment will be voided."

"It's fine, Walter, we've been in courtrooms before." I reminded him, nudging my 'boyfriend's' shoulder.

"Four times by my estimate." Tommy's voice said from behind us. You know, there was the DUI, the assault on that paparazzi douchebag, stealing that taxi, which was just awesome, by the way. And who could forget peeing on the cop?" Tommy listed off. "And your girlfriend was standing behind you at every single one." He smiled at me and Oliver kissed my forehead.

"I wish everyone would forget the peeing on the cop." Moira said as her husband helped her get her coat on.

"I'd hang, but we're headed to court." Oliver told his best friend.

"I know, that's why I'm here, my best friend and his girlfriend are getting legally resurrected. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Okay, what about you?" I asked Thea.

"Uh, I think the first four times of Oliver in court was enough for me." She waltzed out of the room.

"Fair enough." I nodded my head at her decision.

"Mrs. Queen?" Diggle entered the room. "Car's ready."


"Mr. Queen! Ms. Moore!" Paparazzi swarmed us as we tried to walk into the courthouse, Oliver protecting me from the overwhelming numbers.


"There was a storm. The boat went down. We were the only survivors." Oliver told our story to the court as I sat next to our lawyer. "My father didn't make it. We almost died, I thought that we had 'cause we spent so many days on that life raft before we saw the island. When we reached it, I knew...I knew that we were going to have to live for my father as well. And in those five years...it was that...one thought...that kept us going."

"Your honor, we move to vitiate the death- in- absentia filed after Oliver and Amy's disappearance at sea aboard the Queen's Gambit, five years ago. Unfortunately, we will not be requesting that the declaration of death filed for Mr. Queen's father, Robert Queen, to be descended. The Queen family is only entitled to two miracles, I'm afraid."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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