[ sixteen ] ickle ronniekins - r.w.

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* there is an age gap but you and ron are both at least 18! *

i was sitting at the dinner table with my best friend fred and his big family, and we were all laughing and enjoying another family dinner in the week leading up to christmas. i was sat next to george and across from fred, and fred was being an absolute menace at the table tonight.

"hey, can you pass me a roll?" i asked fred since he was closest.

"sure," he grinned. he grabbed a roll from the basket and threw it at me, where it hit me square in the nose.

"frederick weasley!" molly scolded from the other end of the table. i snorted at the use of his full first name.

"sorry mum. she deserved it for putting that puke powder in my green beans."

"i did not!" i hit the table and glared at him. "i've told you a million times, i didn't do that!"

"well, i'll still get back at you for it," he beamed at me. i shook my head at him.

"if you want to keep all your fingers, i suggest you don't."

"pipe down you two," arthur chirped from the other end of the table. fred and i gave him innocent smiles.

dinner continued on, with more bickering happening between me and fred. luckily though, i didn't happen to catch any more bread to the face.

i got up from the table and took my plate to the sink. i decided to have a piece of pie for dessert, and i went to the cupboard to get it. i didn't see it at first glance, and my shoulders slouched.

"did someone eat the last of the pie?" i asked the family who were all now dropping their plates in the sink.

"i was going to have it earlier but i figured you would probably want it, so i left it for you," ron smiled as he took up his plate.

"really? aw thanks ron, you're the best!" i grinned as i kissed him on the cheek.

"of course. i put it in the corner cupboard."

i opened up the cupboard and sure enough, there it was. i took it out and got a fork, giving ron another thanks on the way. i ate the piece and headed up to fred's room. i opened the door and flopped on his bed.

"your mom makes such good food. i'm absolutely stuffed," i groaned.

"she does know how to make a mean pot roast," fred agreed, looking up from the prank prototype he was working on. i giggled, rolling over on my back.

time skip brought to you by the fact that it's christmas time😏😏

i was hanging out with fred the next day when we went down to go get a snack. fred made some popcorn for the two of us, and i waited on the couch while he made it. he came over a few minutes later and handed me a bowl. we started eating and talking, and about halfway through the bowl, my stomach started to turn. i stopped eating for a second before i sprung up from the couch, beelining it to the kitchen trash can. i immediately started vomiting my guts out, and i heard fred's laughter behind me.

he came up next to me and leaned on the post by the trash can. i looked up at him with the strongest death glare i could muster before more of my lunch from earlier came up.

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