Freshman Year

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Chapter 1: Vivian's POV

"Y'all, I know we don't need a date for homecoming but like I really want one, and no one has asked yet." I explained to my friends. They thought that I was implying that I MUST have a date, but in reality, I just want one for the experience of it.

"Ohhh, well who's a guy that you want to go with?" Allie inquired, biting her Nutella stick.

I wracked my brain for any possible guys that I wanted to go with, "Uh so far, I don't really know anyone who I would want to go with, I just can't think of a decent guy right now."

"Y'all look, I think JV won last night because Kingston would never get on top of the table and dance like a crazy person with the rest of them if they didn't win." Olivia pointed over to behind me where there was 50's greaser music playing, and the entire JV football team was up on their table dancing and gathering a small flash mob. Their first game was yesterday, which was a Thursday night and they won 56-0. Today was Varsity's first game.

"Yeah, they did win, Christian made me go watch them and they did so well for having mostly newbies on the team." I said slowly.

"I forgot Christian was on the team, is he any good?" Bella asked, humming. Bella or should I say Arabella was a cheerleader, but she mostly cheered for Varsity and not JV, so she might've forgotten about Christian.

"Yeah, he's the Linebacker for JV. He wrestles so tackling people is kind of his forte." I chuckled, still looking over at the JV table.

"Hey, not bad for a JV team huh? Who's the Quarterback?"

"Uh, some sophomore, I think. Ugh it's what's his face, I think it's uh Clarke Casserole? Bella, yeah it's Clarke Casserole." I answered.

"Clarke Canova?" Allie chimed suddenly.

The light in my head finally turned on with a snap, "YEAH!!!" I exclaimed a little too loudly. I shrunk down in my seat and added, "Him."

"Damn girl, I could hear you all the way from our table. What was the 'Yeah' for?" Christian sauntered over, along with Nick, Vincent, Wes and Kingston.

"Uh nothing," I shrugged off. "What brings you guys here?" I turned back to my table where the five guys were now taking a seat, propping my chin up in my hands, I leaned my elbows on the table, I faced everyone there.

"The Freshmen on the JV team are planning a thing at Kingston's house and we wanna invite you guys." Christian stated.

We all collectively nodded and said we would be joining them. It sounded fun and we could use a break from the schoolwork, even though it had barely even been a month.

Once they left our table, Bella perked up. "Hey, Vivi, I think you should ask Kingston to homecoming."

"Huhhh? Why Kingston?" I gaped, extremely confused.

"Well.... Remember when you liked him for two years back in middle school, and besides he's really nice and I don't think he has a date yet. You should go shoot your shot,"

"She's not wrong Vivian, besides he seems to be cool with you, cool enough to invite you to a small celebration with the JV team." Olivia added, looking at me like she had more to say but wouldn't say it.

"Maybe," I pursed my lips together, thinking about how that whole thing would play out if I ever did ask him to homecoming.

"I would tell you to just go with Christian but isn't he going with Hannah from Creston? She's nice...." Allie trailed.

"Yeah, she's so nice, too bad the only reason she's going with Christian is cause her girlfriend is out of town." I snickered, remembering how Hannah explained this whole debacle a week ago. Her girlfriend, Courtney, is on vacation this week and told her to find a group to go to homecoming with so she wouldn't miss out. Then Christian asked Hannah to go as friends to which Hannah said yes too, but Christian doesn't realize he is far FAR from Hannah's type.

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