Sophomore year

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Chapter 2: Vivian's POV

"What are everyone's plans for homecoming?" Bella asked on a cool September afternoon when we were all gathered at her house for a movie night.

"Girl I don't even know," Allie groaned, her boyfriend of three weeks still hadn't asked her yet and she clearly was not okay. We've all tried dropping massive hints to her dipshit of a boyfriend but he's a numbskull.

"Allie it's okay, if dipshit won't take you I will." I assured her, "I have so many dress ideas, I could go on for days."

"Lord, your nincompoop dolt of a boyfriend is so fucking dumb Lee, can we please beat him up?" Olivia added, giving us all a Cheshire grin.

"Y'all I'm down if you are," Bella pointed to her enormous baseball bat, which was lying off in the corner near her dresser.

"Guys come on now, I'm sure he just been busy, that's all," said Allie giving us all a small smile, I think she said that to convince herself as well.

"I'm just sayin', I got a bat and bro I even got a mode of transport so we could......" Bella trailed off. "If we wanted too of course."

We all had a nice laugh after that and while going home that night I truly began to wonder what I was actually going to do for homecoming this year.

I could always ask him....


I deemed myself insane when I came up with a solid plan to ask Kingston to homecoming.

Fuck me.

I figured asking him right after practice would be easy. WRONG. Oh god I was so wrong.

Here I was in Delaney's car waiting outside the lacrosse fields for him to come out. He normally caught a ride with a few upperclassmen teammates and Delaney didn't mind waiting with me. She was a junior and on the track team so as soon as my conditioning and my practice were over, we drove straight here.

I even made a goddamn poster for him.

"Babe?" Delaney called. "If you don't like Kingston, why did you go all out with this homecoming proposal?"

"Laney I don't know," I sighed. Honestly I had no clue why I was putting in so much effort. "I just wanted to ask him in a nicer way than last year." I mumbled the last bit to myself.

"Hey, look, there he is." She says. "Go get em Viv!"

I suck in a shaky breathe and get out of the car with the flowers and poster.

Walking over to him, I felt like I was going to puke my guts out but I kept going.

"Vivian?" He questioned.

"Hey, can we talk?" I gestured to the side where no one was walking.

"Uh..." he looks around, dismissing his friends with one quick look. "Sure."

Here goes nothing.

"Will you go to homecoming with me?" I asked hesitantly, holding up the posters and flowers.

He gaped, inhaling deeply. "Look,  Vivian, don't take this the wrong way but I want to ask someone else."


I close my mouth and swallow my next words. "Um, that's okay." I croak out, I turn on my heel and make my way back to Laney's car. Throwing the shit I made for him in the back and I told Delaney to start driving.

"You okay?"

I hummed in response not trusting my voice.

I ran straight up to my room after that and sat in there for hours and skipped dinner too.

Sophomore year I ended up getting asked to hoco by one of Kingston's teammates.

Ah the irony of that.

His name was River and he was sweet. Poor boy saw me getting rejected by Kingston and felt bad so he yelled at Kingston and then made me a poster and got me flowers and chocolate.

I got homecoming court as well so he was my escort to that and the official dance along with the post game events.

Our pictures turned out great too and his family is super sweet. He's just not my type and I don't think I'm his type either, this was just to make me feel better I think.

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