Senior year 1

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Kingston's pov:

"Yo, Hughes! Where is your mind wandering off to? We're prepping for states and your zoning out." Coach lectured. I sighed and nodded when he told me to take extra laps during our break.

I broke off into a run around the soccer and Lacrosse fields near us. On my second lap around the fields, I saw Vivian on one of the soccer fields booting the ball across the field over the midfielders.


Her teammate did this elaborate handshake after he scored. I had no idea they had coed teams for our age groups.

I snuck glances at Vivian playing the entire time I ran my laps. I wondered how she was going to ask me to homecoming this year.

A small smile crept up to my face, I think she had some kind of tradition to ask me every year. I felt like a fucking dick when I rejected her three years in a row but I was done with that. This year I was going to man up and say yes.

Fuck everyone else's opinions.

I was tired of listening to them dictating my life anyways.

Coach hollered, ending practice for the day.

It was a hot day for September. Usually august practices were sweltering but today was even hotter.

I see Vivian getting into a car with a few people. Shaking my head, I grabbed my stuff and got into my car.

Some of us wanted to go out and get burgers after practice so we headed to Burger Fi.

We all walk in together and I spot Vivian's soccer group as well. Why am I getting nervous?

Chris, one of the guys she was with, called my group over after we finished ordering. They rearrange and make room for the six of us. I end up sitting across from Vivian. My presence doesn't seem to affect her as much as her presence affects me. I find myself stuttering and clearing my throat more often, jumping at every opportunity to get up from the table and grab stuff.

A few more people joined our huge group after ten minutes of waiting. Noah, Meera, Wes and Abby. Vivian gets up and hugs Noah, finding a seat for him but eventually she just moves across to the end of the table to sit near him.

When the food finally comes out, a bunch of the soccer people take their order home. Only eleven of us left now.

"Yo Viv, how's the homecoming queen thing going?" Jaylen, one of my teammates asked. How did he know her?

"It's going good but there's a lot of competition." She nervously laughed. "Noah here, is running for homecoming king. So vote me and Noah." She said with a smile.

"You and Noah have our votes Viv. Let us know if we can help out with the campaign and posters. One of us can drive you round in the parade and help make your float." David said from next to me. "Aren't you the President of the senior class?" Jaylen asked.

"Yeah," she replied.

"Cool, I can help with floats you know? And Kingston here can drive the truck around." He turned to me.

"Yeah," I said quietly.

"Viv you got a hoco date?" Alex asked, trying to shoot his shot.

"Not yet, why?"

"Oh just wondering." He flashed a grin and dropped a wink.

Annoyance rippled throughout my body but I harnessed it.

We all simultaneously start eating because the time is nearing to eight pm, even though it was still bright out.

Afterwards, most of us parted way and went home.


When I enter my AP Gov classroom the next day, there's a new seating chart posted on the projector.

I find my seat towards the back. It's double desk with my seat being on the left. The name on the screen next to mine is what shocks me.

Furthermore when the person sits next to me after she sees her name next to mine, I'm still in frozen mode.

Vivian Vaughn is sitting next to me.

Part of me doesn't know how to react, part of me wants to say something and the other part of me wants to move away.

I stuck with the second option. "Hey," I said.

"Hi," she replied, pulling out her notebook for the warmup.

It was our fourth AP Gov class and we had already established a set routine for the class.

Bella, one of Vivian's friends came to by to drop off something for Vivian. "Viv here's your book." She turned to look at me, eyeing me with disdain. "Oh hey, you and Kingston are sitting together." The way she said my name sounded like it gave her a bitter taste in her tongue.

"Yeah," she muttered, still reverently scribbling down things in her warmup journal.

Bella went back to her seat and the rest of the class continued. Vivian let me borrow a few of her colored pens and highlighters so we could make my notes pretty.

"Your notes look boring," she said. "Here, use these." She handed me a few mild liners and colored gel pens.

I accepted them with a smile. "Thanks Viv."

"You're welcome," she smiled back, her smile made mine grow, a small ball of light also expanding in my chest upon seeing her smile.

This was going to be one interesting year.

Senior year 1

Well guys here we are

Kingston has finally appeared and given us an in at his feelings and emotions

Next chapter in Vivi's pov :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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