Junior year

13 0 8

Vivian's pov:

It was junior year and I had just gotten President of the junior class. I received my fifth bouquet of the day with a tight smile. It was from the person who was running against me.

I sighed once she left and put my hair up in a claw clip, pulling my glasses off and setting them on the table.

I looked over the agenda for the year and decided to tackle the homecoming and spirit week stuff tomorrow.

Speaking of homecoming...

I shook that shot out of my head and laughed to myself. Maybe this year he will finally fucking say yes.


"Christian?" I called.

"Yes Vivian?"

"Does Kingston have a date?" I winced while asking, but it had to be done.

"No he doesn't." Christian said slowly. "Honestly ask him. I hope he says yes because you put so much fucking effort into asking him and I kinda wanna beat him up for saying no twice."

I burst out laughing from that revelation. "Christian I don't even know if I stand a chance. That boy has only dated one person and she was annoying as hell. In fact she ran AGAINST me during the election this year! If that's his taste, I don't wanna be on the damn list."

"Whatever you say, I just think you two would be cute."

"Okay Christian." I chuckled.


Around the end of September I started planning on how I was going to ask Kingston to homecoming.

This is such a bad idea.

I love bad ideas though-

Eh whatever. The worst he can do is reject me again.

That really hurt though.

I go back to finishing the football for his proposal. I had made him a custom football since he was on the varsity football's starting lineup.

I hand drew on the football and spent two hours crafting the perfect letters and filling it up with color.

I even took the liberty and chose the game I was going to ask him. It was tomorrow night and we played a school no one really cared about.


One good thing about Thursday night games is that people show up but the crowd is manageable and since it's a home game, the other teams stands are virtually empty.

The theme of the game was pink out so I was decked out in pink head to toe. Starting with a pale baby pink tennis skirt and then I had a darker pink cropped align tank top. I even had a pink cowboy hat with feathers and gems along with pink heart sunglasses. Bella, Allie and Olivia had put pink glitter and paint over my legs, arms and collarbone. I let 'em do little warpaint swipes on my cheeks too.

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