twenty seven

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Why are my cheeks wet? Am I shedding tears? It can't be. I can't cry.

But I'm worried the most about Myrtle. Why did she die? How did she die, and who did it? I will kill that bastard who killed her.

"Oh my Gosh" Yvonne covers her mouth with both her hands.

"Harry" Myrtle's voice calls me. It can't be. She's gone. "Harry"

I turn to face someone behind me. It's Myrtle. Myrtle's ghost. "Harry, don't worry about me. Before that man killed me, he told me something about killing you and Yvonne. Be careful. I will always be with both of you."

"But, what man? Who?"

"The other man called him lord Jasper." Shit he's alive.

Myrtle's ghost disappeared and I face Yvonne. "Jasper killed Myrtle"

"What? But..I...No!" She gasps for air. "How the hell did you know?"

"Myrtle's ghost showed herself to me. She told me. We have to move now or many else will die. We have to kill Jasper again and bring his army down."

"How? We barely have much army and-"

"We don't need hundreds of armies as long as we have our friends with us." I calm her down.


The bell rings and we all get out of the room. Before I could even walk out of the classroom, Niall stops me.

"Yvonne, can we talk?" He asks, nervously.

"Sure, Niall." I say.

"Soo, I was wondering if... could you go out with me tonight?" He asks.

"You mean like a.. Um, a date?" My eyes widens.

"If that's okay with you? I you don't, it's fi-"

"Of course I would go out with you!" I say happily

"Really? Thank you so much!" He says, while reaching for a hug. "I'll pick you up at six."

As Niall walks away from the room, I stand in shock. I can not believe this is happening. I can't even imagine a guy like Niall would date me.

As I arrive home, I see that mom and dad are already home and so is Halle. I open the door and see mom and dad sitting at the couch, and Halle playing dolls at the carpet.

"Hi, honey! How was school?" Mom asks.

"It's great. Um, Mom, dad.. Can I ask and tell you something?"

"Sure, dear. Anything."

"You see, I've been asked out on a d-"

"A date? Oh my God, I should hand you my prom dress!" Mom screams.

I laugh at her reaction and laugh at the same time. "Mom!"

At five minutes or so, Mom starts to put light make-up on me and she does my hair. After my hair was curled a bit, she hands me her first prom dress. It was purple, glittery and it ends at my knees. It's perfect.

I wear the dress with honor and look at myself in the mirror. This is not me who I'm seeing right now. I did not even imagine myself looking like this. I look different... In a better way. My phone dings and it's a message from Niall saying he's already outside in his car.

Mom and Dad walks with me to the door and kisses me goodbye. Dad warns me about doing something dangerous. You know what I mean.

Niall gets out of his car and fetches me from the door. As we reach the car, he opens the car door for me and I thank him and I get in.

About t minutes of driving, we finally arrive at our destination. It was a fancy restaurant. It looks expensive with rich people inside having dinner.

"Do we even fit in here? I mean, just look at this place!" I say, amazed by the place.

"Don't worry, I'll pay for all of it. Besides, I already had a reservation." He says, taking my hand. "Reservation for Niall Horan." He says to the man at the door. The man checks his board and sees Niall's name. He lets us in and places us in our table.

We head to the table and Niall pulls my chair and I sit down.

"So, let this date begin." He smirks.

After finishing our foods, Niall tells me all about himself since he was a kid and also about his family, and how Montie and him used to fight a lot. He was fun. Oh and he even told me some jokes that made me laugh my heart out. My stomach hurted a lot from laughing. He was hilarious. I don't want this date to end.

Niall drives me home and before I could open the door, he grabs my hand and kisses me in the cheek. "Goodnight. I had fun."

I blush. "Thank you, Niall. That was a blast."

I open the door and get inside the house. I run to my room and hop in bed. I am so happy. This was the best night ever!

"So, I see you had a fun night with him." Those words came out from Harry's mouth as he stands in the darkest corner of my room, leaning on the wall while crossing his arms. "Hope you did have fun."


HEY! Long time no update, ey?

I'm so excited cause it's gonna be my birthday on May 5th and we're gonna have our vacation at Manila, Philippines. Soo excited!

Love yall guys! Keep reading and sorry for the slow updates.

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