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Yvonne Dulce 

Before we could step inside the house, Halle stops us with asking something. 

"Wait! Where am I gonna stay?" She says with worried eyes. 

"You can stay with me, Halle." I say with a heart-warming smile. 

"What would your parents think?"

"Um, I could let you meet my parents and tell them that you were lost and with my parents kindness, I'm sure they will let you stay how long you want." 

Her face lits up. "Really?" After speaking, she frowns. "What if they'll kick me out?" 

"I'm sure they won't. Trust me." I stop form my tracks. "Oh, and you're also my little sister now." 

"Really?" She says in excitement. 

"Mmhm. I wished on having a sibling." I say and grin. 

We step inside the house. As soon as I close the door, mom looks at me and Halle with wide eyes. 

"Hello, Yvonne. Well, who's this pretty young girl?" She asks. 

"Mom, this is Halle. I found her lost so I decided maybe I could let her stay for a while." 

"Of course." Mom says with a smile. "She can stay with you at your room since we don't have any extra spares." 

"Thank you." Halle says. 

"No problem, honey. You can say as long as you want." 

Halle nods at her and Harry beside us, unseen by mom, smiles. I wonder how Halle can see Harry. We walk up the stairs and to my room. 

"Wow, this room is so familiar." Halle says. "Harry, was this your room?" 

"Glad you remembered." Harry says. 

The three of us sit down at the edge of my bed. I'm beggining to ask. 

"Harry, why can Halle see you?" 

"Remember when I told you only people who live here can see me?" I nod. "Well Halle is my sister which means she also lived here before." 

"But why can't my mom? She lives here, doesn't she?"

"Yes, but only you can see me out of your family because you trust in me and you believe in me. You're also helping me to cross the aferlife, that's if I can cross." 

"Now I get it. But why were you trying to hide from them before?" 

"You did not really believe much in me yet, that's why they still can see me. You trust still hasn't been developed that time." 

"Oh, okay." 

After a few talks, I let Halle take a shower in my bathroom and let her use the toothbrush I haven't used since I moved here. I have three left at the bathroom, and I let her use the other one. I realized... 

"Mom, where can Halle get some clothes?" I shout at mom. 

Mom appears at the door in a sudden blink of an eye. "I've brought some of your clothes when you were ten. I'm sure it fits her. Wait, I'll get it." 

Minutes later, mom arrives with a box and has labeled words on it saying 'Yvonne's young clothes' 

"Thanks, mom." I thank mom and she nods then walks away. 

As soon as Halle's already done showering, she comes out with a towel wrapped on her body, the clothes I have for her are already at the bed, arranged for her to choose. 

"Hey, Halle!" I greet her. "Here are some clothes you can wear." 

"Really? Yay!" She says excitedly and runs to the bed. 

She picks out a purple pj and a white shirt for bed. It's good. I had worn those pair before and it turned out good on me, though it looked better on her. 

"How does it look?" She asks me. I stare at her from head to toe. 

"It looks perfect." She giggle and runs to me. 

"Thank you so much, Yvonne." She says as she hugs me. Hugging her back, I feel like she's really my little sister. 

"Are you ladies done there? Come downstairs for dinner." Mom says, gesturing us to go down. 

We arrive at the dining room and I have never seen dad so smiley. As soon as he sees Halle, his smile grows even wider. 

"At least Yvonne has someone in the house when we're gone." Dad saya, standing up and hugs Halle. "Yvonne's mom had told me about you and I'm so happy." 

"Thank you." Halle says. 

"Let's go to the table." I tell Halle and lead her to the table. She sits down between mom and me. 

"Wow. I have never seen so much food for the past few years now." Halle says as she takes a bite of the chicken wing. "Mmm."

"Glad you like it." Mom says. 

| At Yvonne's Room | 

"No! Let's watch something else!" Harry groans. 

"Come on Harry. Barbie is great." Halle says, making me laugh. "See!"

The movie comes on. "Yeah, Barbie is nice, Harry. Don't be such a fun kill." 

"Why do you even have Barbie movies anyway." 

"Because... I love them." I cross my arms and sticking my tongue out at Harry. 

Harry Styles 

The movie had ended and both of my loved ones, Halle and Yvonne already fell asleep. I turn the TV off. Halle's already asleep at Yvonne's bed, and Yvonne sleeping on my shoulders. I'm surprised it has been a minute or so, but she did not pass through me. Does this mean something? 

I carry Yvonne in a bridal style and put her sotly to bed beside my already sleeping sister. I watchher as she snores lightly and moves a bit. Now, she's sleeping on her side and since I don't sleep, I sit beside them, sleeping. 

I comb Yvonne's hair with my hands and tuck it behind her ears. As always when she sleeps, I kiss her forehead and next Halle's forehead. I stand up and sit at the long chair beside the window I used to watch outside while waiting for my parents to come back, but they didn't. 

My eyes move to Myrtle's house. I figure she's not alseep yet since the light in her room is still on. Her figure is so visible from the light and the curtain. She's about to lay down on her bed, but first, she sits down on her bed and prays. After a aminute of praying, she lays down and turns the light off. 

That's when I realized.. 

I have missed Myrtle a lot. 


Halle's picture at the gif. on the right side or above.

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