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Harry Styles 

I have to be at the council right now or I'll be in trouble.

"Um, Yvonne." She turns her head to face me, waiting for my answer.


"I am needed somewhere." I say. It's true. 

"Where?" She asks. I was afraid she was gonna ask. 

"I have to meet some ghosts." 

"Oh. Sure." I just nod and let myself dissapear. 

I arrive at the council by a blink of an eye and see that they have aready started it because their voices can be heard. I push the door open, only to be stared by a couple of ghosts. 

"Harry Styles!" Jasper, the head phantom, calls on me. "Late, again!" 

"I'm sorry." I apologize.

"Take a seat, will you.?" He says it, more of a command than a offer. "Did you convince her?" 

"Yes." I sigh, looking down. 

"Good. We have to let her join us." Jasper says. I feel to guilty. 

I'm starting to grow feelings for Yvonne, but here I am, being a traitor to her. In the first place, I didn't know she would be so special to me. But now, even if we had only spent the week together. Yes, it has been a week already. 

The way she laid down on my shoulder, even if I did not feel a thing, it made me so comfortable. Like, a hear that I don't have is beating so fast. The thing she has ever done for me was help, care and help. It's true that I have to find my killer so I can be once again, live. All she knows was my lie to her about me crossing the afterlife.

Yvonne Dulce 

Harry has been gone for five hours now. Yes, five hours. Where could he be? I had just been sitting in this couch for five hours now. 

I sigh and stand up and run to the stairs to get to my room. I shut the door close behind me and crash onto the bed and my chest connects with the bed. I cover my head with a pillow and try to sleep the following hours out. 

"Vonne, are you alright?" Mom asks from downstairs. 

"Yeah, mom. I just need sleep." I answer honestly. I really do need sleep. 

"Okay." She answers. 

I shift uncomfortably, and now laying on my back. I place my hands on my stomach and sigh heavily. Where could Harry be? Is he gone? Did he already cross the afterlife? Has something happened to him? Stop it, Yvonne. Why would a ghost be in trouble? 

Stay positive. That's all I need to do; stay positive throughout the hours. I close my eyes and try to relax for a bit....untill I fall in a deep sleep. 

I feel a cold touch in my forehead. I can' seem to open my eyes because of tardiness, but it really is cold. 

"Goodnight." A familiar voice speaks. Harry. 

He touches my head, as what I'm feeling and a cold touch in my hand is present. Is Harry touching my hand? I let out a small groan and he releases his touch from mine. 

"Harry?" I call out. 

"Yes?" I open my eyes, seeing him smiling. I love it when he lets out a dimply smile. 

"Where have you been?" I ask in a sleepy voice.

"Talking with some other spirits. Don't worry, I'm here now." He smiles and holds my hand the same way he did earlier. 

"I'm just glad you're here." I smile and I sit up straight. He just nods. 

"Your mom placed food for your dinner in case you wake up." He informs me. I look at the box of pizza in the night stand. Thank God and mother for Pizza

I grab the box and open it. I'm surprised it's still complete, cause the last time I opened a box of pizzza, mom ate two slices. I take a slice and take a bite. 

"Aww, I miss eating pizza." He pouts. 

"Well, sorry mister, you have to be alive to eat some." I laugh.

"I will be at the end." I hear him murmur it, but it can't be heard too much. 


"I didn't say anything." I know he's lying, but I'm not going to push him to it. I don't want to get into a fight with a ghost. Who knows what he is capable of. It's not just that. 

I care for him too much to be in a fight with him. 

"Oh. Okay." 

Harry walks to the window he always stands at. He leans at the wall, staring ouside. Does he still miss his parents? Of course he does. Even I would miss mom and dad if I was in his place right now. I wonder where his parents are. 

He crosses his arm below his chest, still staring outside. I wonder what it's like to be in his situation. I wonder what it is like to be a ghost. Stop with the I wonders.

I ignore Harry and put my earphones on my ears and play music on my iPod. I close my eyes, waitin for Harry to say something. None. I look at him, still staring at the window. I wonder what he's thinking right now. Maybe about his parents. 


"Morning, mom." I greet my mom as I sit down. 


"What's for breakfast?" I excitedly say. 

"Dad cooked breakfast." She grins at me. 

"Guess what it is." Dad says, holding a plate, but covered with a cloth.

"Pancakes." I raise an eyebrow and their jaws drop. I laugh. "Oh dad, it's obvious you can only cook pancakes." I laugh again 

Dad served his 'masterpiece'. "I'll learn more recipes soon, don't worry." He laughs. I haven't heard my dad laugh in a week now. 

They both sit down the table and start eating. "So, how's work dad?" I ask out of nowhere. 

"Good so far." He smiles, while chewing on his pancake. 

I put syrup on mine and slice some pieces of it. I stick four slices of pancakes in my mouth, not having trouble on chewing. 

"Yvonne Stacey Dulce, How many times do I have to tell you, don't stick too much food in your mouth." She scolds me. I hate it when she calls me by my complete name. 

"Mom! I know what I'm doing." I wink playfully and she just sighs. 

Breakfast has ended and my parents already both went to work. I'm always home alone. Oh wait, is Harry home? I haven't seen him today. I fell asleep last night after looking at him starin outside the window. 

"Why would a beautiful girl like you be alone in this big house?" A man's voice speaks, and it's not Harry's. 

I turn around to see who's behind me. It's a guy with black hair. His eye color very visible; which is caramel in color. He has this smirk plastered on his face. His body appearance also looks like Harry's. Is he a ghost too?

"Who are you?" I ask calmly. 

"Hello, Yvonne. I'm Zayn." 


Yay Zayn showed up :) So, what do you think Zayn would be in this story; nice or evil?

We'll know about that at the tenth chapter :) 

Picture of Yvonne/Harry's house at the gif on the side/above


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