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"W-What?" I can't seem to find any other words to say. I mean, he's dead and not living. I did say I don't believe in ghost, but that doesn't convince me to believe in one. Myrtle couldn't possile be crazy, right? She doesn't seem so.

"Yes. I'm telling the truth." She sighs. "Oh, and what's your name, dear?"

"Oh, sorry. I am Yvonne." I introduce myself.

"Now, back to the real reason you're here." She pauses for a while. "I did see him behind you."

"Wait, you said you loved Harry so much, but why were you scared of him when you saw him at the room?" I ask in confuse.

"Well, I am terrified of ghosts and he could possibly be one. I just can't believe I could ever see him again- as a non-human form. He looked so peaceful, though, but I was still scared at him. Scared because I did not believe that he showed himself since the past few years now." She says. "So that's why I ran, tripped and left my plants. I was so scared. Maybe he had an unfinished bussiness, I don't know, though because for the past long years, he only showed up the you moved here. Never once, untill you moved."

Oh my God. Maybe he doesn't want people in his house. But according to Myrtle, he's a very nice person. Myrtle even loved him so much. Maybe it was just her imagination because she just missed Harry so much. He couldn't possibly appear just now after he died. Maybe it was jsut her imagination.

"Thank you so much, Myrtle. I have to go now. Thanks for the informations." I smile at her and she nods. She stands up, probably ready to escort me outside.

I nod at her before she closes the door and I walk back to our new house. I stop at the middle and look at the window of my room. A figure stands and I just ignore it, trying to be brave. Myrtle was right. It wasn't her imagination. I continue to walk untill I reach the door to our new home.

I twist the doorknob open and the furniture seems to be all uncovered. Mom must have taken it all off, cause they sure were dusty. I walk up the stairs and about to open the door to my room, but then I remembered about the person- or Harry standing in front of the window. I open the door slowly, but no one seems to be there. He must have known I was coming.

I step inside my room, looking all brave. I shrug and sit down the bed, having nothing to with my new life in this new house and in this new-for-me town. I sigh and grab my phone out of my pocket. I receive text messages from my friends back in Edmondton.

'Yo, Yeeeeev! I already miss you. Have fun there. we'll visit you someday. xx' I smile at the text message of my best friend, Willa. Next is from Toby, my boy best friend.

'we'll visit u soon, yvonne. i know willa probably said tht already, but jus 2 be sure. x'

I continue to read the other messages from my friends, which kinda made my whole day. It's actually the first time I had smiled today. I put my phone back in my pocket and I stand up to unpack my stuff.

While opening my luggage, I keep thinking about what to do when my friends will come visit me and where would we go. I haven't toured this place yet and I will try to walk around town tomorrow. I pull out some of my clothes and walk to the closet. I open it and surprised it doesn't have a single dust inside and flying. I put my clothes inside the closet, but find something.

It's a notebook. Oh wait, it's not just a notebook. I think it's a diary, or a journal. I place my clothes in the closet and then take the journal from the closet. I walk back to bed and attempt to open the journal. I criss cross my legs and face the window.

The journal opens, of course using my hands, and I scan the notes.

January 17, 2008.

I got to go out with the girl I love today. We went to the park together, went to dinner together, talked about ourselves and I just knew that her mother died from a car crash. When I walked home, Andrew blocked my way and told me he saw me with Lia. He beat me up and told me Lia was his and she belonged to him.

February 1, 2008.

It's my birthday today and I'm already sixteen. Lia said we could go out together for my birthday, and of course I said yes. We just got ice cream, and was her treat since it was my birthday. She also took me to her house, and gladly, her dad approved me to be with her. Also, thank God there were no signs of Andrew because he could not beat me up again on my birthday.

June 27, 2008.

It's been a long time. Andrew had beat me up multiple times now. Even at school. The teachers wouldn't believe he did it because he was known as the nicest one at school, but he's faking it. He even started being with Lia now and told me to stay away from her, or I'll be beaten up harder than ever. Even Lia looked happy with him.

July 12, 2008.

Lia told me she doesn't like me anymore. She's dating Andrew now and that had broken my heart into pieces. She does not like me anymore.

April 2 2010.

It's been two years now. I missed writing, but it had left a lot of memory. I had moved on with Lia now, but still there's a part of me that still wants to be with her. I attempt to talk to her, but she refuses and Andrew had beaten me yesterday.

April 3 2010 .

Andrew told me it will be my last day of living today, because I had done a lot of talking to Lia. I told my neighbor, Myrtle to keep me safe because I know I will die. It's all for Lia, and my life is nothing but a mess. My parents had left me, I only eat leftovers from neighbors. Only Myrtle would give me the right amount. I love her so much that she's like a mother to me. Tonight, Andrew will come for me, but I will try to escape if I can. I will try to, for Myrtle.

And the following pages are blank. So, Harry would know he will die. So that means, Myrtle knew he was dead at April third when somebody found him, and he knew he would die. He tried to escape, but maybe he wasn't able to. Maybe Andrew is still alive, and I will find him. Maybe that's why Harry is still here in this very house right now because he has an unfinished bussiness.

I close my eyes, and then sigh. I open my eyes back and then stare at the journal. I feel so bad for Harry. Really bad. He was left by his only family left, he was rejected by his own love. But maybe Andrew had threatened this girl, Lia if she talks to Harry. That's why she rejected him. And lastly, he was killed. Thank God, if it wasn't much for Myrtle, he wouldn't live 'till twenty, I think.

I may not know this Harry guy, but I feel so bad for him that I would try to solve this case for him. Andrew will rot in jail. Lia will be sorry, or maybe tell me that she was threatened.

"I see you have red that. That's nonsense." A man's voice behind me speaks. My eyes widens and I slowly turn around. A man with really pale skin stands there, in front of my sight. Curly chocolate brown hair, tall figure and piercing green eyes. I could know, because it's so visible.

And I had immediately known who it was...

"Hi, I'm Harry."

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