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When Harry went out to get me some food, I did not really follow his orders to just stay. I did stay at the same place, but I got up and went fot a little walk. When I got back to the tree, I heard footsteps stepping on dry leaves. 

When I turned around, I saw someone; not the face, only the figure. He has this big body but no face was visible to me. The next thing I know, I blacked out. 

I woke up in a dark place, tied up as what I'm feeling. I try to break free from the ropes or what these are, but it's no use. It's too tight for me. With my little body, I can never escape this thing. But I have a great feeling that I'm back at the council.

"Ah, well well well." A man's oice speaks up. The hair on my skin stands up. "Harry's sister. I have never remembered you. Shock. Why did I even forget you?" 

I stay silent. 

"Oh sweet, Halle. Am I right? Yeah. When your brother is gonna come here and save you, we will capture and kill him with our secret potion. Harry has been a bad, bad ghost." 

"Don't you touch my brother!" I yell, earning a slap from him. 

"And don't you dare shout at me!" He says

The next thing I know, everything turns black. 

Yvonne Dulce 

When Harry mentioned he had a sister, I was quite confused and happy for him at the same time. Though, I was shocked at the fact. I'm happy for Harry finally knowing one of his family members. I have to help him. 

Now I know why Harry was gone for a month. Because his shit of a council threw him in a dungeon, but hepled him find his sister. They earn a star for that, actually.

I will do it this weekend because I have school. Tomorrow is Friday, which means I can help Harry save his sister from the council. Patting on Harry's cold back, I sigh thinking how I can survive without my family. I don't even have a sibling, (wishing on having one) and my parents are the only ones I have right now. 

"Harry. I'm not being mean and all, but can I please get sleep?" I ask him, really not rying to sound mean. 

"Of course." He nods and with that, he stands up for me to lay down on. 

"Goodnight, Yvonne." He says, bu I couldn't answer him cause I'm too sleepy to even reply. I swear I heard him murmur something, but I ignore it. Too sleepy. 

"So, have you done your homework?" Montie asks. Oh shit, my homework. I forgot. "I'm guessing you didn't. Here, copy mine." She hands out her homework and I grab my paper out of my bag and begin to write my 'homework', or should I say 'schoolwork'. 

As soon as I copied everything, as if on cue, Ms. Higgins comes inside the room, bringing some of her folders in her hands. To make it non-obvious, I put my copied assignment back in my bag. 

Minutes later, Ms. Higgins announces to pass our homeworks. So I take mine from the bag and pass it to her as she roams around to take each of our assignments. As she arrives at her table and checks each of our papers, she stops at two papers.

"Ms. Horan and Ms. Dulce. Why are your homeworks the same?" My heart stops for a second. Thankfully, Montie covered it for me. 

"We had the same web to research." And with that, I just nod. 

"Very well becuase I do not like my students copying each other's assignments." She puts our papers back at the folders and takes a seat on her table. "Oh and don't forget to pay for the upcoming field trip next week. Today is the deadline or else, you can't come." 

Oh Gosh, I forgot about the trip next week. I didn't really pay attention to Ms. Higgins when she announced for the payment and funds. I didn't pay yet. I didn't even ask mom or dad yet. Damn, why do I forget things so easily.? 

"Hey, Vonne! Have you payed yet?" 

"Nah. You?"

"Me neither. But I have spare money and you can just pay me the next time we meet." She says and I thank her. 

As I arrive home, I ask mom and dad (who arrived early today) if I could go to the trip. Gladly, they said yes. I explained to them that Montie payed the funds for me and they're beyond thankful for it. At the same time, mad a little cause I didn't tell them sooner. 

Here I am, laying down on my bed, unable to do nothing. I grab the book I got from the library days ago, with a little help from Luke. It's about the history of Hoary Jack. I open the book and it says 'Hoary Jack's History'

I flip on the first page and read the words. 

'Hoary Jack was named after a family who discovered the town. Hoary is for Old, since as what the family had said, it is a very old town. Jack is the last name of the family, which is named by the father of the family. He only lived for forty-two years and died from cancer. The family; wife and children ruled the town for many years that passed. The wife; mother died of age and the eldest child took over the town. As what people said, he ruled Hoary Jack the meanest way. He made the man ages thirty-two and above to work as slaves. Woman above eighteen will be chosen by a man who likes her and gets to be her husband. 

As the times passed by and the eldest; Richard Jack, was already older than the rest, he let the town rule by his eldest daughter and not his brother and sisters. As what people said, he was mean so he did not give the town to his siblings but to his children. As time passed by, he died of age and the town was already ruled by the eldest child of Richard; Clove Jack. 

Clove Jack's run of the place or town was good. She let the saves and the forced women free and sent them to their families. She was long on ruling the place. She ordered to build buildings, amusement parks for children and even small shacks for farmers. 

People loved the way she ran the town. A- 

"What are you reading?" Harry's voice appears from nowhere, making me drop the book. "Oops! Sorry." 

"It's fine. Um, I'm reaidng the History of Hoary Jack." I smile. 

"Well, that's really nice. Let's read it together. I, myself don't know how this place was discovered." 

And with that, Harry sits down on bed with me and we read the book..together


As I promised, double update! 

So I woke up at 2 in the morning today and was scared form the sounds of the roof. There was a typhoon and out place is kinda affected a little. The wind was so strong and the power went off and and and and it frightened me. I slept back at 4AM and when I woke up, everything was back to normal. no strong winds, but the rain was still pouring hard. 

Okay, I know i know.. You don't care if I shared, but i needed to say something xD

Love y'all. Btw, I'm gonna sing at school tomorrow woah! Please wish me luck xx

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