Chapter 1

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~helloooo welcome to the 1st chapter, quick note that none of the stuff from the movies or tv shows are true, just the characters and some places, all povs are from Autumn Blaze's POV, enjoy :)~

I don't need a man, if I'm loving you, it's cause I can, I don't want your cash, I put my own rock on my hand

I sing along to the song on the radio as I drive to pick my best friend/cousin up. This song is so badass. There's a really high chance someone will hear me but I don't care at this point. Last day of school. 

Make way for the G-O-Double D-E-S-S suspend your enemies in this dress, I make myself feel sexy, fan of my self I'm stanning myself. I love me so much I put my hands on myself. 

Lil' Cheese comes running out, her pink curly hair flying in all directions. I laugh and get a glare in return.

"I like what you did with your hair today."

"Just drive." She sits back in her seat, immediately taking out her phone. 

"You're addicted to that thing. Or should I say, the person texting you in that thing..." I wiggle my eyebrows.

She smacks me. "Shut Up. Drive."

I laugh. "Fine, Ms Grinch."

Time skip to end of school

Finally, the last day of school is over! I wait outside Cheese's class and tackle her in a hug. 

"School's Out!!!"

She laughs. In a better mood, I see. I put my hand around her and start walking towards the carpark.

"So, can we go to your place? My mom is still doing chores at this point. She said I could go to your house. Pleaseeeeeeeeeee."

"Fine, fine." She rolls her eyes. "I honestly don't know how you're not sick of that place already."

I stop and look her in the eye.

"Are you kidding me? You live in the best bakery/cake shop/candy store in the town! How could I get sick of all that food?!" I throw my hands up in the air and grin at her.

She rolls her eyes again, but with a happy gleam in her eye. We walk to my car and drive off to her house.

"Hey Aunt Pie!"

Cheesy's (my nickname for her) mom turns around with a big smile. Her mom is always so fun and full of energy. Her hair is even wilder, if possible, then Cheesy's. 

"Hello, Autumn. Nice to see you! We weren't expecting you but please, eat anything you want." 

I thank her and sit down at my and Cheesy's usual spot. Aunt Pie sits down with 2 cups of milkshakes while Cheese goes up to put her bag in her room and change.

"How's your mom?" She asks.

"You know mom. 10,000 chores everyday to be done, don't know how she does it, especially without me at home all the time." I sigh.

Aunt Pie notices and says," What's wrong, dear?"

"It's just, she's so much more distant now that I'm 18. She used to be so much more easy going. I'm lucky she let me get a driving licence in the first place. And she won't tell me anything about when she was 18 either. I had no idea how to navigate high school, I had to figure it out with Lil' Cheese. I just wanna get closer to her." An Idea suddenly comes into my head.

"Aunt Pie, weren't you in high school with my mom? Was she always the loner she is today? Did she have friends other than you? If so, who were they and what were they like? Can you tell me more?"

Aunt Pie visibly choked on the last few questions. She collected herself before continuing.

"Autumn. Your mom told me not to say a word to you about anything. I'm sorry I can't help you dear." She gets up to leave before stopping.

"You know, if she still has an old photo album with a rainbow cover in her attic, you could, oh, I don't know, take a closer look at it."

I sit up and nod. "Thanks, Aunt Pie."

She winks at me and pretends to zip her mouth before going to serve some customers.

For this plan to work, I need to convince my mom to let me do something first.

"What?! Am I really hearing my very own daughter offering to do some work during the school holidays?!" My mom stares at me in disbelief, her gem green eyes mirroring my own.

I gulp. I'm a terrible liar. Oh boy. I hope she never find out I'm lying.

"Well, I, I was hoping you could let me and Lil' Cheese clear out the barn for you, her mom could come over too. It would be a double hang out. You're always saying the barn attic has so much useless stuff, we'll clear it up for you. We got nothing to do anyway." I look at her hopefully.

She sighs and agrees. She smiles. "I'm so glad you're finally getting the importance of hard work. Now go get ready for dinner, it'll be done in half an hour."

I mirror her smile and run upstairs, lying on my bed with my back flat on it. She agreed. I'm finally gonna know more about the mysterious people she grew up with when she was my age. A small voice asks in my brain, "What if you get caught?" I'll have cheesy with me. She'll help. It's all gonna work out fine.

~heyy so this was more of a fill chapter cause I needed to set the stage but don't worry there's more interesting stuff in the next one :)~

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