Chapter 3

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My phone suddenly rings. I sigh and let it ring out. It rings again a few seconds later. I groan and pick it up.

"Hello? Autumn Blaze here, speaking?"

"Hello, this is the ponyville hospital. Your mother is Applejack, right?"

My heart rate quickens. "Yes, did something happen to her?"

"It's best if you come and see for yourself." The person on the other end sounded nervous.

"I'll be right there, thank you." I hang up and turn to Lil' Cheese. "We need to leave. Now."

We climb into my car and rush for the hospital. I hope mom's okay. If anything happens to She's gonna be fine. I know it.

We arrive at the hospital and we make our way to the front desk. "Hello, dear, what's the name of-"

"Applejack. She's my mom. Please, is she okay?"

The nurse takes a look at the computer and her face loses a bit of its colour. She comes out from behind the desk. "Follow me, dears."

She leads us to room 310 and says that a doctor would come in soon. "She's a bit...knocked up. Prepare yourselves before seeing her." She says and walks off.

I take a deep breath before walking in. I'm not prepared. But who's prepared to see your own mother hooked up to several machines, tubes sticking out of her- I'll stop here.

I...I...I don't know what to think. A doctor walks in and introduces himself as Doctor... something. I'm not listening. Something catches my hearing and I look at him.

"A coma? What do you mean?"

"The car accident made her hit her head pretty hard, and it sent her into a coma. I'm sorry. Is there somewhere or someone you can stay with until she recovers?" He asks.

"I'll find something. Thank you." He walks out of the room.

I stand there, just looking at my mom. What the hell? How could this happen? What am I gonna do now? I feel a pair of hands guide me out the room. I look at Lil' Cheese. "Do you want me to drive?" I look down and shrug. She gently takes the keys from my hands and leads me to the car. We get to her house's all a blur. I barely know what I'm doing. I hear the door close behind me and I look up. It's her room. Cheese looks up at me and sits down beside me.

"I told my mom what happened. She said you could stay for as long as you need."

I nod. She puts her hand around my back and rubs it. I lean against her and we sit there in silence. I'm really glad she's here for me.

~Time skip forward a few days~

I've stayed for a few days in Cheese's house. It's like a constant sleepover. I know what I'm gonna do.

"You're gonna what?!" Cheese yells.

"Shh. I'm gonna find my other mom, and hopefully find out more about their high school selves." I tell her excitedly.

"There are so many things that could go wrong with this plan. You don't even know if she's alive or not. And what if something happens to your mom while you're out? And you really think my mom would let us do this? She's amazingly lenient for a parent but no way she's gonna let us do this. How are we gonna travel? And how do we know where to go?" She paces the floor.

"But don't you see? I need to take this chance. I feel like I barely know my own mom from this book. We can sneak out. It'll take, like, a week at most. We'll use my car and stop at stations for electricity. I bet I could get info out of your mom. You know she has a soft spot for me. Come on. I need to do this, Cheesy." I stop and look up at her. "Will you come with me?"

She stops and looks back at me. "You really had to ask?"

I smile at her and pull her in for a hug. She sighs and smiles wearily back at me.

"I hope I don't regret this."

"You won't."

~not my best work and a bit short, but here :)~

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