Chapter 6

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~This is a super long chapter, nothing rly exciting, more stuff coming up, sry if u were disappointed by this one, I just needed to get the intro stuff out of the way, it's more filler than anything, enjoy :)~

"Yes, we are." I admitted.

She sighs and sits down. "It's a long story." She beckons us to sit down. We take a seat. Honestly, I'm really nervous.

"Your moms met in high school. AJ, that's Applejack, moved here from Appleoosa and started coming to our school. Rainbow, Rainbow Dash, was a super popular jock, she played all kinds of sports, but football most of all. They met-"

Cheese interrupts.

"Hold on. What about my mom? What was she like?"

"Mine too." Shy adds.

Rarity sighs and rubs her temples.

"Okay, let's start from the beginning then. There were 7 of us. Me, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Applejack. I was a fashionista in high school, always wearing the best clothes, of course. I used to dress them all up all the time, especially when there were events to go to. Twilight still asks for clothes sometimes, along with Sunset and Fluttershy, but not the others." She starts getting a dreamy, far away, nostalgic kind of look in her eyes.

"Fluttershy, she was always the quietest, most polite, a little bit gullible, but sweet and so, so kind. She had the most beautiful voice, so sweet and high, like a little slice of heaven. And she did always love animals, the animal sanctuary was always her dream. She played the tambourine in our band, she always hated the spotlight, when she could have stolen the show with her voice. I'm glad she's grown into a much more confident woman now. She wore this butterfly hair clip all the time in her pink hair. She loved it. She had a bunny called Angel, she used to sneak him into her bag in school." Rarity laughs at that.

"Pinkie was, needless to say, the most energetic all the time. She ate candy all of the time, but she moved around so much that she never got fat. Somehow. She was always moving around, let me tell you, watching paint dry would be her idea of torture. Her voice only had one setting; high and loud. She had this uncanny ability to pop up anywhere immediately. I still don't know how she did that. She was able to guess things with amazing accuracy. She loved her party cannon, she used it for every party she threw and it decorated things fast. Pinkie was the drummer in our band. She translated the energy she had into it, and that's what made her keep the beat. She could always see the silver lining in any situation, no matter how dark the cloud was. She could always make us laugh, no matter what." She smiles.

I look at my two friends. They're absorbing all of this information, getting to know their moms.

"There's Twilight, she was a bookworm. She was crazy smart and was always bugging us to study and helping us with work. It was tiring, but her methods worked and we all got As, so I'm not complaining. She could spend a whole day in the library and not get bored. She was so booksmart, but not that street smart. When she dated someone, she would be sending us screenshots every minute for what to answer. She had a bit of a competitive streak, especially once she met Sunset. She had to get something right, especially if that something involved science. She loved science. Chemistry, physics, biology, all of it. She was a singer in our group, because she couldn't play any instruments, being holled up in her room studying for half her life. She couldn't relax when there was a test coming up, or even after the test. She would panic and second guess herself all the time."

"Then there's Sunset, Twilight's other half. Sunset was obsessed with gaming, she ran a channel. She was always videoing things, like backstage things, gaming, random things. She was the most practical, next to Twilight. She could be very competitive, that's part of the reason why she and Rainbow got along so well. She was a nightmare to be with in a game, because she got frustrated easily. She played guitar in the band. But for all of this, she was the most forgiving person. You could do something so completely unforgivable, but she would forgive you eventually. She was very protective of her friends though. She would literally hunt down the bully and have a "talking to" with them. No one dared to mess with her, especially when it came to Twilight, her girlfriend."

Rarity then turns to me. 

"Then there's your mothers."

I sit forward eagerly.

"Applejack a way...the Mon of the group. She was the most mature, most honest person. She believed in honest, hard work to get anywhere. Her laugh was so infectious. She laughed a lot, especially around Rainbow Dash. She used to get up at dawn everyday, whether it was a weekend or a weekday to do her chores. She was so stubborn sometimes. She came to school so sick once, she almost passed out because she refused to stop doing her work and go home. We had to practically drag her to the truck during recess to get her to go home. But when we went to see her after school, we found out she had still spent the rest of the day doing her chores. She was the most mature out of all of us, but that maturity usually ended up flying out the window when she was with Rainbow Dash." Rarity shakes her head and smiles.

"Rainbow Dash was very, very, very, competitive. She had to be the best at everything, except academics. She didn't care about that. She was the captain of every single team in high school. God knows where she found the time. She was an incredibly fast runner. She could've gone for the Olympics at her speed, but she didn't want to live that life. She valued loyalty the most. No matter who or what happened, if you betrayed her, you'd pay for it. She was so confident in everything, except when it came to her girlfriend. She became a whole different person when talking about her. She was always so nervous she was screwing things up."

"Now, Applejack and Rainbow Dash together, that was another thing. We used to call them AppleDash. Their..."ship name" like you kids call it. The way they just looked at each other, you'd think nothing could come between them. They-"

There's a knock on the door. A head pops in.

"Yes, Yona?" Rarity asks.

"The client is here." She says mysteriously.

"Oh!" Rarity exclaims and stands up. "I'm sorry darlings. I have to take this. If you want to know the rest, you could go to Sunset and Twilight's house. They're married and live together." She gave us the address, bid us goodbye and rushed off.

We exchange glances and walk out to my car. I can't wait to get there. I need to know what happened.

We get into the car and I get into the driver's seat. "If we start now we can reach there by dinner time." I say, but I don't start the car.

We stay silent for a minute, before Shy speaks up.

"I never knew my mom used to sneak a bunny into her bag to school. Maybe I did inherit some stuff from her after all." She says softly.

"I didn't know my mom could drum! Of all things, drumming!" Cheese exclaims.

I stay quiet. Cheese nudges me.

"I don't know what to say. I'm scared. My mom may be dying and I wouldn't even know it. And I don't even know if my other mom who's like halfway across the country is even alive. I'm scared of being disappointed. That maybe, it's not gonna turn out all right. What if my other mom's a dick? What if my mom doesn't make it? What if-"

"Autumn." Cheese says. 

I turn to look at both of them.

"Even if this all works out. We'll still be here for you. We'll be here no matter what happens. At least you'll have learnt more about your moms. I know for a fact that I'm glad you dragged me into this. I'm learning more about my mom too."

"Yeah," Shy continues, "I'm glad you two showed up at my house. That day. I feel closer to my mom. And it's all thanks to you. We'll be here for you, no matter what."

My eyes feel wet with tears.

"Thank you." I hug both of them. We sit there and enjoy each others' presence.

"Now, if you wanna get there fast, I suggest we start driving now." Shy says, smiling.

I laugh and nod. We drive with the song My Love Won't Let You Down playing.

I'll be there for you

No matter what you're going through

I'll be there with you

Anytime that you need me to

When there's no one else around

On your last breath, calling out

Trust me, my love won't let you down

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