Chapter 4

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~this chapter's not that interesting, more of a filler chapter, the next one will be more interesting, i think, enjoy :)~

We get all our things ready for a week long road trip. Clothes, money, food, that kind of stuff. I bring along the photo album and the letters.

"Did I forget anything?" I ask Cheese.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe another jacket, an extra power bank, a cable, a water bottle?" She says sarcastically.

"Oh, yeah." I quickly stuff them in my bag. We made sure to leave a note for Aunt Pie, in case she wondered where we were..we had managed to extract information from her phone a few days ago of a lady called Fluttershy, who ran an animal sanctuary. She was one of the people in the photo album and a possible step in finding Rainbow Dash. It feels weird saying that out loud, like it's illegal to call my mom by her name. I'm gonna try to learn more about my mom and her friends along the way. I need to do this.

"Ready?" I ask Cheese.

She nods.

We sneak out the window of her room, her mom's a super light sleeper. We get into my car and drive off into the night.

Time skip

We arrive at 8 in the morning at Fluttershy's Animal Sanctuary.

"The sign says it only opens at 9." I note. "We're too early."

"I'll take a nap. Wake me up when someone opens the door." I say, stretching out on the front seat. We took turns driving last night, chugging energy drinks, but I'm still tired.

I drift into a deep sleep, where I dream about my two mom's reuniting.

"Autumn! Wake up!" I feel a hand shaking me. I look up. The door is open.

"A girl about our age walked in with a key a minute ago. She had short white hair, turquoise eyes and light yellow skin. She wore a shirt and shorts that said Fluttershy's Animal Sanctuary on it. Come on, we need to get her alone." Cheese talks and climbs out of the car, falling on her face in the attempt.

I laugh and pull her up. "Just how much sleep did you get?"

"Enough. With the help of energy drinks." She mumbled.

I sigh and walk with her into the building.

As soon as we get inside, I see the girl Cheese was describing.

"Hello, welcome to Fluttershy's Animal Sanctuary. How may I help you?" She says, monotone.

"Hi, we're looking for Fluttershy." I say.

"I'm sorry, my mom's not available. Anything else?"

"Please. We really need to see her. We need to talk to her about something." I show her a picture of all 7 of them. She glances at it and her eyes widen. "Where did you get that?" She demands.

"It's my mom's copy. Please. I really, really need to talk to her." The girl sighs and agrees.

As we walk to wherever she is, we talk.

"My name's Discordance Shy. You?"

"I'm Autumn Blaze, this is Lil' Cheese. These are our moms."

I point them out in the picture.

"This is my mom. You probably know that, though." She says.

We walk in awkward silence. Damn, this sanctuary is huge.

"So, what's your story?" She asks after a while.

Cheese looks at me for approval and I nod.

"Well, our moms won't tell us anything about their high school experience and we just finished it. We found this old, rainbow coloured photo album and saw these people. Then we found out her mom dated one of them, the rainbow-coloured hair girl, her name is Rainbow Dash, and they had a kid together who was probably Autumn. So, here we are, trying to find out more about all of them, plus find her possible mom."

Cheese finishes, all in one breath. She may be nothing like her mom personality wise, but they both can talk a mile a minute.

Discordance isn't fazed by this, though, and nods.

"What's your story?" I ask.

"My mom will talk about high school, so not as bad as your moms, but she'll clam up everytime I ask about her friends. I just, I just wanna know more about her and her social life, you know? I need to get to know my mom." She explains, looking a bit sad.

"Would your mom open up about anything? Anything at all? I need to find my mom, the other one, I mean." I ask desperately. If we don't get any new information this trip would be for nothing.

"She still goes to one of her friends, Rarity I think, for clothes and stuff for fancy meetings." She says.

"I got it!" Cheese screams suddenly.

"Too many energy drinks, sorry. But, what if we ask for clothes and pretend we're homeless or something and we need clothes? It's risky, but it's worth a shot. I mean, she's never seen us before, she's not gonna recognise us." She explains.

"You know how much we look like our moms, right? Plus, what about names?" I say.

"Just introduce ourselves as...erm...sparky fires and...candy curry."


"Do you have a better idea?" She retorts back.

"No." I admit.

"Mom's eyes aren't what they used to be, it might just work." Discordance pipes up.

I slowly nod my head.

"Also, if this works, I wanna come with you." Discordance says. "I'm the only one who can hack into mom's phone if this doesn't pan out, for the address. I have supplies and I know this place better than both of you. Plus, I'm getting curious too."

I think for a bit before agreeing. She's our best shot at this. We need her. 

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