Chapter 8

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~Helloooo thank you all for al the votes and comments, enjoy:)~

We're at a huge blue house. We left the apartment this morning, and Sunset said that she would call Rainbow Dash to "ease up the shock and prepare her". I hope this goes okay.

I ring the doorbell. The door opens almost immediately. I take a good look at the woman who's supposedly my other mom. She has messy rainbow hair, sky blue skin, and...the eyes I see in the mirror every day.

I stare at her, and she stares at me.

"Hi, sorry, but are you Rainbow Dash? I'm Lil' Cheese, this is Discordance Shy and this...this is Autumn Blaze, your-"

"Daughter." The lady finishes. It is my mom.


I look at her in awe.

She scratches her head and opens the door.

"Come in."

I look around. There's a trophy case that's full to the brim. She has so many. The inside is huge. She has so many posters of...the wonderbolts.

"Ma'am, your house is amazing." Shy says, looking around.

Rainbow Dash cracks a half smile, then goes back to her sorta sad expression.

"Autumn, I wanna show you something. Alone." She beckons to me.

I turn to look at my friends. Shy nods with a smile and mouths the word "go". Cheesy just smiles and gives me a thumbs up.

I turn around and follow her into a room with a keep out sign.

The room is filled with nothing but pictures, pictures and more pictures. They're all of the 7 people I've met. There's so many. Them at a beach, a gig, school, and so much more. Then, there's something that catches my eye. One section of the room is dedicated to my mom. It has pictures of her everywhere, in a timeline sorta thing, ending with...

"That's me." I whisper, touching the picture gently. It's a baby picture, in my house.

"That was taken during the first and last time I saw you. You were only a few months old. You wouldn't remember." She says, leaning against a wall behind me.

"Why was it the last time? What happened that...that estranged you from my life?"

She sighs and sits down.

"We'd... we'd been falling out of love for a while now. I was always too busy with work, she was always too busy with managing the farm. Then she became pregnant with you, and we thought, maybe, we would get through this... difficult period. And then, we started arguing. I don't know how or when it happened, but we started arguing. We never argued. But it just got worse and worse. I ended up sleeping on the couch most nights, and...yeah. And then, I was out drinking at a bar with my teammates. I wanted to get really, super-bad-hangover, can't-remember-what-happened-in-the-morning drunk. I just needed an escape from it all. I was miserable, the love of my life wouldn't talk to me. Then I made a terrible mistake. I...I made out with my teammate from the wonderbolts, his name was Soarin. I was just, so, lost. I seized the moment and just started kissing him. Then I heard a glass drop. We stopped for a minute, turned around, and... AJ was there. She saw everything. I tried to stop her, but it was too late. I made an irreversible mistake. I was a total, complete, asshole. A jackass. A dick. Or whatever stronger word you have for that. She moved out, sooner or later, and had you without me. A few months after you were born, she asked me to come over. I thought she was finally forgiving me. It turned out that she just wanted me to see my daughter, because, and I quote, "you'll never see her again for as long as pigs can't fly". I was...devastated. To say the least. But I made the most of that day. I loved you with all my heart, even if you looked almost exactly like Applejack. In fact, that made me love you even more, inheriting all of our best qualities and none of our worst."

Its so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"Well, I'm here now, and the pigs haven't flown yet." I try to joke, to lighten up the situation.

She smiles sadly.

"You should go home. Your mom will be worried."

"Actually, she's in a coma. She got into an accident. I came here with my friends myself, with the help of yours of course."

"Well, then all the more you should go home. You don't want her to worry when she wakes up."

"Or you could come back with me."

"No. I can never go back. She hates me. Believe me, I know AJ, she won't have changed her mind."

She starts walking to the door.

"So that's it? You tell me all of this and that's it?"

She stops.

"Don't you see how much Applejack meant to me? It was so hard for me to move on before, how about now? I care about her so much, but I can never be with her again. I can't see you again. I'm lucky I'm even talking to you now. You should go home. I'll see you and your friends out."

"Don't you get it? My life has had something missing for the past 18 years. I finally found what it was, you. And now, now you want to walk away? Again? I need to get to know you better. We need you. My mom, she sounds nothing like what her friends have told me. She is not the same person as when she was young. That person left with you. I need to bring her back. Because she is not the same." She's stopped walking again.

"If you don't go back for me, your daughter, your blood, and if you don't go back for yourself, at least go back for my mom. She needs closure, you both do. Admit it, it's been killing you from the inside out, hasn't it?" I don't get a response. I take it as a yes.

"Come back with me. Please. At least see her once before coming back here. It will be worth it."


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