Chapter 12

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~hellooo a bit short but yea here's your filler chapter, thanks for the idea  enjoy :)~

"Hey, wanna go on a walk? Get some fresh air?" I ask my daughter.

"Sure." She says, turning off her phone and standing up. We walk to the nearby park.

"So, tell me a bit more about yourself. I didn't get to see you grow up, so, tell me. What kind of things you like to do, what music do you like, what your favourite colour is, and so on."

"Well do I start? My name is Autumn Blaze. I was born on the 10th of October, 10/10, conveniently. I go to Ponyville High, I'm 18, Lil' Cheese is my closest friend, and has been since we were young. I...don't play any sports, I like reading, I like women empowerment anthems, my favorite subject is literature. I live at the Apple Farm on the edge of ponyville. I've never broken anything. I'm a bit clumsy, always breaking stuff, but I have it under control better now. My favourite colour is Auburn. What else do you wanna know?"

"How about the little things?" I ask, soaking in all the information so far.

"I...can ride a bike and swim. I always wanted a sibling. But, mom didn't date anyone else after you that I know of so... I like going to the zoo, seeing all the animals. I got into a fight, once, because someone was bullying Lil' Cheese. I got detention, mom wasn't very happy, but she thought it was sorta justified, 'cause I was defending my friend. I don't like running, or pineapple on pizza. Why is it called pineapple anyway? It looks nothing like an apple! I'm...I'm also bisexual. I was scared to tell mom, until she told me I had 2 moms anyway so it didn't matter. I've only ever dated boys, though. I'm glad mom's supportive, even if she gives the guy a devil's glare when she thinks I'm not looking." She looks at me. "How about you? What's your story?"

Here it goes. "Okay, my name is Rainbow Dash. I was born on April 14. I'm ...I think...40+ this year? I have 2 siblings. A twin brother, Rainbow Blitz, and a younger adopted sister, Scootaloo. Blitz looks just like me, rainbow hair and everything, just a guy and shorter than me. That always bugs him. Scootaloo has orange skin and maroon hair. You know your Aunt Apple Bloom? They're pretty close friends, along with Rarity's sister, Sweetie Belle. The cutie mark crusaders, they used to call themselves." I smile at the memory. "Anyway, I went to Canterlot High when I was your age, I graduated and went to university to study. I went into professional football, before retiring at 30 and becoming coach at my alma mater. I've known Sunset since we were 7, Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy since we were 14, and AJ since we were 15. I can't tell their stories, that's for them to say. But I can tell you some of mine. My parents kicked me out of the house when I told them I was bi. My siblings were supportive, but they weren't. They've practically disowned me by now. Haven't talked to them since I was in high school and not planning to. I lived with AJ, because I had nowhere else to go and her family was pretty accepting. Then...we just felt something between us, and we started dating. The rest is history. Want ice cream?" I ask her as we run into an ice cream store.


"Of course. What do ya like?"

"Cookies and Cream."

"Chocolate for me." I say, ordering for the two of us.

"So, I haven't settled with anyone since AJ and I split. I've lived in that house for a while now. I love the Wonderbolts, they're this stunt trick flying team and they're really cool. I'm gonna take you to one of their shows one day. I don't have a favourite colour, unless rainbow is a colour. I like pop music. I...don't really know what else to tell you." I admit, eating my ice cream.

"Then tell me about you and mom and your friends." She replies.

"Well, I remember the day I proposed. I led her down a trail of autumn leaves, with our pictures at the side, while serenading her with the song Thank You on Christmas day. The band played behind me. Then I got down on one knee and proposed. We got married on new year's day. It was amazing. The only time I voluntarily wore a dress. She looked amazing."

I look at her and smile. "You look just like her. Hey, wait, are those rainbow streaks in your hair?"

"Yeah," she replies "It's not dyed, it's natural. There have been more than once where mom had to come in to explain to whoever my teacher was that it wasn't dyed. It gives me an involuntary rebellious streak. Get it?"

I laugh. "Well, that you may have inherited from me." 

We walk back to the hospital. She stops at the entrance. "What's wrong?" I ask her. Tears are slowly trickling down her face.

"Nothing." She says, wiping them away.

"Hey, talk to me."

'It's just...I don't want you to go after mom remembers. I want you to be together. I've just found out about this whole new side of my family, and I don't want that to be shut down so quickly. I want you to stay, but I don't think mom will say yes. I don't want you to leave." She cries. I hug her, and hold her in my arms.

"It's okay, it's gonna be okay. We'll figure something out. Let's spend as much time together as we can, when we can, okay?"

She nods and wipes away her tears, her eyes puffy. I put my arm around her and walk with her back into the hospital.

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