storming off

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chapter seventeen

storming off

storming off

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"So what do you want me to say?!"

Normally the apartment number 24 was known for laughter and music coming through its door and windows.

Not yelling.

"Maybe try asking me why I'm so fucking furious?" Flora raised her voice, pacing around the kitchen as she angrily and sloppily poured herself a drink. "Why I can't even look at you?" She continued shouting at the boy leaning against the door frame.

"Just tell me what I did wrong."

A painful laugh roared through Flora's throat when she heard what he said. She shook her head, the drink disappearing down her throat.

"Flo, please," Stiles begged, carefully walking towards her. He saw how her eyes flashed the infamous green, which meant that she was really pulling back her anger.

The girl turned around, tears streaming down her face as she still saw the red lipstick in her mind. "Do you love me?"

Stiles was taken back by the question. "Of course I do." He answered without a doubt.

"Are you in love with me?" She asked another question.

"Isn't that the same thing?" He asked, confused.

Flora sniffled, hugging herself. "No, it's not, Stiles." She shook her head. "I still get butterflies in my stomach every time I'm with you and you make me dizzy every time you touch me..." Her confession made Stiles smile a little but the expression fell when she continued. "and I hope you feel the same but if not, if you're only with me because of a habit..."

"Why would you even think that?" Stiles jumped in with a scoff. "I love you, Flora."

The blonde silently nodded, lifting her gaze. "Are you in love with me, Stiles?" She raised the same question again.

The boy puckered his lips, staying silent.

Flora's mouth opened a little, maybe it was in shock or hurt, not even she knew. "Do you seriously have to think about that?" She croaked out, her vision blurry from the tears that formed in her eyes.

She felt so left behind in everything. Her friends from Beacon Hills didn't bother to stay in contact and her boyfriend kept digging a knife through her heart.

Maybe she wasted all those years on the wrong people.
The sudden feeling of loneliness engulfed her completely.

"Flora," Stiles spoke up when she wanted to squeeze past him and leave. "Flo." He used the nickname only her close friends used. "Flora." He groaned and grabbed her upper arm to stop her from leaving.

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