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chapter twenty-three



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Snow continued to fall even during the funeral of Flora Young.

It wasn't their first funeral but that didn't make it any less painful. The whole pack was there, standing on the cold grass covered in snow as they stared at the casket in front of them.

Flora was a likable person and the attendance at her funeral only proved it. Coach Finnstock was there next to the Lacrosse team, crying as one of the team members tried to wipe away his tears. Meredith, with whom Flora worked years ago showed up with her young daughter, paying their deepest respects.

Kira, who seemed unbothered with the life she left behind actually came back for the funeral of the girl that welcomed her with open arms.

Even Sasha and Jacob showed up, but they stayed in the back thanks to Stiles' fist that connected with Jacob's face the moment he saw them at the funeral.

Stiles was standing with slouched shoulders and teary eyes between Ian and Isaac, trying to hold it together for their sake.

The casket was lowered already, people were simply throwing flowers at it. Most of them were peonies but some of them were tulips or roses.

The whole event was a blur for Stiles. He remembers seeing the casket for the first time, remembers putting a bouquet of peonies on it, punching Jacob, and being held back by Liam and Derek, he remembers the snow but that was all.
Nothing more, nothing else.

And now he was sitting on Flora's bed in her room, completely alone while the rest of the service was happening in the living room downstairs. Flora's death was evident in the room; all of her plants were dead beyond saving, the room just reeked of death, despair, and loneliness.

He sighed and took another swing of the bottle he stole from the cabinet in Ian's bar. Photos of him and Flora were staring at him from his phone as the liquor started to taste better and better.

Stiles felt mostly anger.

He felt angry with Ian because he did not see him cry, not even once. He was angry at Jacob and Bianca because if it weren't for them, he would have had more peaceful moments with Flora. He was angry that Lydia couldn't stop crying. He was furious that Monroe ran away, not bothered by the fact that she killed a good, innocent person.

He was angry with Flora because she knew what would happen.

He was angry because the little velvet box in his hands would never see the sparkling eyes of Flora Young.

"Can I come in?" Isaac's muffled voice came from the other side of the door.

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He answered and took another swing from the bottle.

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