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chapter twenty-four



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"Happy birthday man! 25 is a fucking milestone!"

Stiles read the text message he received from Scott.
He gazed at the screen of his smartphone, sighing as he realized that he had to come home for his birthday and Lydia's wedding.

It's been a crazy couple of years, with Stiles avoiding Beacon Hills like a plague and most of his old friends staying in their hometown.


Getting his name called made him lift his head, breaking the glare he had on the phone. "Yeah?" He yelled back at his coworker.

"We're going out tonight, searching for some ladies, you're coming?" A guy named Mark asked him with a smug smirk on his face.

Stiles shook his head and grabbed his back. "No, thanks." He shrugged and waved at them goodbye.

"I told you he wouldn't come, he never goes out." One of the workers, who were standing around Mark, answered.

The, now a man, rolled his eyes at his coworkers and without talking to anybody else left the FBI building. He looked at the sky, seeing how the sun shone on his birthday and the corner of his mouth went up a little.

His car was one of the few left in the parking lot, as he was leaving his job a little late. Stiles hated celebrating birthdays or even acknowledging them, especially since the only person he wanted to celebrate with was dead and buried for six years already.

A song from one of old Flora's playlists filled his ears as he started the car, driving away from the place he spent most of his time.

Stiles was a great FBI agent, when he came back from Flora's funeral he buried himself in work and training, doing everything he could to get the job and locate Monroe.

Sadly, it's been six years and Stiles had no luck so far. The woman was too damn good at hiding and erasing her tracks. He almost had her one time in Seattle but she's been under the radar ever since.

It was April 8th and the sun was already warm, making Stiles close his eyes for a second, enjoying the warm weather. He dreaded going back to Beacon Hills the next morning but there was nothing he could do - he promised his dad that he would come before Lydia's wedding to celebrate his birthday with him.

"Shit." He swore when someone behind him honked at him, making him snap from his thoughts and realize that the traffic light was green again.

The, now a man, did everything that he always did after leaving the work before the weekend. He stopped by a grocery store, getting his groceries as fast as possible, ignoring the cashier that always tried to flirt with him. He felt bad about it at first but when she continued to flirt with him even after he told her that he wasn't looking for anything, he just gave up and ignored her.

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