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chapter twenty



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Flora loudly gasped as the nightmare she's been having for weeks woke her up again. The recruiting dream has been haunting her ever since she had a fight with Stiles about his 'infidelity'. She was pretty sure that it was the dream that pushed her to go back to Beacon Hills.

"You okay?" Stiles asked and reached his right arm to squeeze hers. He gave her a quick look full of worry before moving his gaze back to the road.

The two of them has been on the road for almost eight hours by then, the moon has pushed the sun out of the sky, and the air got colder.

Flora sadly smiled at their connected hands and nodded. "Just a bad dream, that's all." She answered, pulling out her phone.

"Something I should worry about?" He carefully looked at her, studying her face for any signs of lies. If there was something wrong, he wanted to know.

The girl puckered her lips and shook her head, slightly avoiding his stare. "No, everything is cool." She finally gave him a smile before turning her attention to her phone screen. "It's Sasha." She said when Stiles asked her who kept texting her so late. "She keeps apologizing for Jacob, hoping that I know that she had nothing to do with it."

"Sasha is cool." Stiles acknowledged, tapping the steering wheel. "Jacob is the asshole." He added, making Flora snort a little.

"We got a distraction right out of a fanfiction though." She joked, staring at Stiles' side profile. "Can you believe they pulled that? It was so childish."

The boy shrugged with a sad smile on his face. "I'm sorry you had the urge to believe it." He spoke up, his voice strangled in his throat. "I love you."

Flora gave him a tight smile, tears Pickering in her eyes as she fought the urge to spill everything that was on her mind. "I love you too." That was all she had said, hoping that it would be enough.

No matter how many problems they went through, they always pushed through. You can't expect a completely healthy relationship between two traumatized people - especially if their trauma came at a young age.

All of their traumas came in big waves, making them go under the water and attempt to gasp for air every time their heads poked above the surface. They were nineteen and trauma has been following them for a decade already, they never learned anything else. You can't blame them for feeling uncomfortable in a 'normal' world, even though they both craved normality so badly.

Almost five years of being surrounded by the supernatural world took a toll on them. All of their trauma was overlooked as if they were brave enough to bury it down.
Neither of them buried it down though, they were just good at hiding it. All of their trauma was just beneath the surface.

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